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Does anyone know how to sell a second hand Fruit Mach (Bandit)

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Hello all

After some advice here if anyone can help


I have a Deal or No Deal Fruit Machine - A large pub type


I put it on here but had it removed as I don't have a licence to sell them


I had the same problem with Ebay, it was removed as you now apprantly need a selling licence to flog them


I have tried the amusment supplies place in Walkley but with no joy


I really could do with it gone as I need the space (and could do with some cash for it)


However I am having no luck with being able to display it for sale anywhere


Any advice welcome

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Really don't know what to suggest luv, my son had one given to him as part of a pub clearance and it now stands proudly in the dinning room just getting in my way. Had no idea it was so difficult to get shut of one. Why not get in touch with a seller on eBay to see how they get on and do they want another to sell.

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