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Stitch and Bitch @ The Painted Teapot


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❋❋❋❋❋❋❋Stitch and Bitch @ The Painted Teapot❋❋❋❋❋❋

So this is finally happening we are going to start running a Knit / Stitch and Bitch (any kind of craft project you have going on!) evening here at the studio once a week maybe on a Tuesday or a Wedneday.


What day is best for you?!


You can bring along any type of craft project you have going on or feel free to start one of our studio projects for the normal charge and you can meet like minded people who can also help with other techniques and tips and share knowledge whilst making great new friends.


There would be a small charge of a £3 which would go towards a hot drink and nibbles.


Who would be interested in coming? Get in touch: http://www.thepaintedteapot.co.uk

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