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Where are your kids tonight?

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Should have just battered the one who threatened your son, his mates i bet would have wet themselves. Give one a good beating and promise you he'll never look up at anyone again. This is what happens when you create a society where the victim can't do anything.

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The airy fairy liberal middle classes created this problem and now they complain about it.


No parenting allowed, no education provided and no jobs.


A long way from good old Dave and his Eton buddies who had everything whilst those kids have nothing; hope, future, ambition.


Complain all you like. This problem won't go away. And why should it? They moved from a street corner to a park - where next? The moon?


And let's be clear ............. if you challenge most adults today they tell you to F-off, stick two fingers up in response when driving or redefine road rage for you.


Ever thought that's where it comes from? Ex-hippy parents, children of the sixties were lousy parents and those kids are now the parents of this lost generation found only on a council estate near you.


Go for a walk in Fulwood where Algernon and Beatrice are found on the swings.

So you are saying this is my fault? I go out expecting a pleasant evening at the park and get abuse and foul language instead. And its my fault. What kind of parent would i have been if id let them keep swearing round my son? Im not 'airey fairy middle class' i was just brought up to respect my elders and other people. . I dont think thats too much to ask really.

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