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Published a Book?


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I've noticed that there are a few posts by people about to publish their work and thought it would be nice to have a thread dedicated to promoting that work or just sharing tips about how they've done it.


So has anyone got a book out there? Post details here for other forummers to check it out.


I'm self-publishing in a few months too so will be back to promote it.


I really don't think that anyone has ventured too far away from the original post. With one exception I think there's been a good conversation around whats worked for people and what hasn't. Also remember that the phrase 'dedicated to promoting that work'. I for one certainly didn't expect any sales to people in the same situation as me.



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I started this thread as a way for Sheffield authors to connect and promote their work.


I actually think it has become less about self-promotion and more about a few authors sharing feedback with what works and doesn't work for them regarding marketing and promotion. I don't think I've sold a single book as a result of this thread and that's not been my intention. But I have offered advice and have let people know what I've found to work. If anyone thinks that's self promotion they clearly haven't been on the receiving end of the kind of spam some writers can spew at you.


No, this is an interactive thread and is not being bumped by 'certain members' to promote their work. It's a conversation and an interesting look at self publishing. Some of us are going through the early stages which means they are going to post more than others.

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I forgot to report back on my blog tour.


It went well I think. I had some good reviews and more facebook likes/twitter followers etc. There were over 100 entries for the free ebook. But it didn't seem to generate any sales. I'm hoping that when I announce the competition winners a few of the people who entered the giveaway will go back and buy the book.


Again it's that tricky conversion to sales. It's so frustrating.


I think I'm going to concentrate on writing the sequel now. I really want to get it out before Christmas but it's going to be a push. Apparently the best way to market your book is to write another one. So here goes :)

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At risk of being accused of bumping my own thread I've found a site that could be useful for promotion.




You can post your writing on here and people vote for stories they like. I've put my first 3 chapters up with links to purchase if they like the story.


It's more of a critiquing site than a promo but it's a good way to find potential readers.


There are a LOT of teenagers on there and they all seem to post fanfic about One Direction! Quite good for me as my book is for teens and the cover might get me noticed. Fingers crossed.


If anyone joins post your link in this thread and I'll help by becomming a 'fan' and voting for your book.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sarah - my name is Graham Storr - I'm an Ex Det. Sergt S/Yorks Police who went to prison for 5 yrs in 1984 for corruption etc."Does anyone remember the metals case of the 80's" was a topic on Sheff Forum History/expats many months ago..? whilst in prison I wrote my book called 'Boopers Tale' ( my Nick-name -'booper' -I'm cutting this short,,,but I decided to publish about 2 years ago and no publisher wanted to know...so I self-published a few weeks ago - 100 books for about £700 - all were sold in 3 days - interviews with Sheff Telegraph Star and BBC Radio Sheff followed and I've just had another 500 printed..my book was written 4 years before Hillsboro but I talked about lying useless senior officers in S/Yorks only promoted due to Freemasonry and then along came the Hillsboro report !!!! my book is on Kindle and I'm selling the actual books for "11.99 each plus £3 p&p through Tierney& Co (Solicitors) Dinnington. It's hard work but if you get a 'break' and your subject is of interest then you can make it - I hope so - Regards Graham Storr

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Sarah - my name is Graham Storr - I'm an Ex Det. Sergt S/Yorks Police who went to prison for 5 yrs in 1984 for corruption etc."Does anyone remember the metals case of the 80's" was a topic on Sheff Forum History/expats many months ago..? whilst in prison I wrote my book called 'Boopers Tale' ( my Nick-name -'booper' -I'm cutting this short,,,but I decided to publish about 2 years ago and no publisher wanted to know...so I self-published a few weeks ago - 100 books for about £700 - all were sold in 3 days - interviews with Sheff Telegraph Star and BBC Radio Sheff followed and I've just had another 500 printed..my book was written 4 years before Hillsboro but I talked about lying useless senior officers in S/Yorks only promoted due to Freemasonry and then along came the Hillsboro report !!!! my book is on Kindle and I'm selling the actual books for "11.99 each plus £3 p&p through Tierney& Co (Solicitors) Dinnington. It's hard work but if you get a 'break' and your subject is of interest then you can make it - I hope so - Regards Graham Storr



did you pay 700 quid for a hundred books, if so I know a much cheaper option.

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Gary - thanks for reply -I'm new to Sheff Forum writers section and I get lost talking about URL's and threads etc....I did look round when I had my book printed and I was more than happy with the result and delivery etc. of the first 100. I sold them at £7.99 and just broke even after having to give 'freebies' to press and radio sheff. I've just had another 500 printed (having already approached two local printers (one wanted £3.300 for 500 books!!!) now selling at £11.99 each and also on Kindle - pity I didn't talk to you earlier - any other ideas for 'marketing' - my book is a little controversial in that I was painted as a'bent' copper and told the truth of what happended in S/Yorks police in the 60's 70's 80's - then followed Hillsboro 4 years after I wrote it. I might keep in touch Gary for further advice if you don't mind-Regards Graham

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This has a bit of resonance for me. I was 'round and about' in Rotherham and Sheffield during the late 70's and 80's and spent more than 1 night in west bar and other places. Most of this was due to being 'collared' for something I hadn't done, but I got away with far more than I was caught for. Never charged with anything so I was pretty lucky. I've read the free bit on kindle and will probably buy your book. I can well remember SY police, they were bad people and have a bad reputation with many of my age and footie fans all over the country. I'm no Liverpool fan, but nothing that's come out about hillsborough has surpised me, mind you none of the Jimmy Saville stuff has either.

Anyway, Do you deal with Julian at the solicitors? He's an old mate of mine.

Printdomain in Rotherham did my printing 230 pages including pics, was £800 for 300 books, and I was pleased with the results.

As for marketing, have you set up a website? I'm not sure how beneficial mine has been.

I'm working on my 2nd book and would love a contact at Radio Sheffield to appeal for information, be great if you could send me that at garypeacock@hotmail.co.uk


Finally my worst memories of the SY force are not been beaten up on nights out or at the football, not even their behaviour during the miners strike, but one of their football teams. Aztecs, who I played against many times, boy could I make your hair curl with some of their antics.


all the best

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Hi Graham,


Congratulations on your book. I think Gary is definitely the man to talk to regarding marketing something with a local interest theme.


Good luck with the book! I'm sure you've probably already thought about this, but due to the controversial nature have you thought of using a pseudonym?

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