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Online start up business ideas?

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I have several businesses, some utilise the internet, i.e. I can direct potential customers to the website and they can view all products/services and purchase them online, but all of the businesses also involve some work that is not online. Most businesses I've seen that claim to be purely "online", are not real businesses or they rely on a huge amount of people visiting your particular website, i.e. there is no real product or service being offered. It would probably be better to think about what products or services you are able to offer, then seek advice as to how to market those products or services online. If you would like further advice please pm me.

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Anyone who has a good idea isn't going to give it away publicly on here or to you.


For starters, look at how much money you have to invest and see what you can do with that. Pointless folk throwing you random suggestions which you mght not be able to afford, or even have the skills or experience to put in place.


Do not think "build it and they will come" - that's the biggest myth ever.


Do not think that a free website is going to make you pretty well off anytime soon. It won't. It may bring you pocket money.

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Indizine makes a great point, there is no point setting up an online business unless you know what real products or services you can realistically offer, and you need to do your due diligence and market research, so that you know what you can offer competatively and what others are already offering. Only after you have decided on your product or service, can you then look at whether website marketing/e-commerce is the way forward.

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You really need to be passionate about your business, so just looking for a gap in the Market might not cut it; it needs to be something you really have a vested interest in. Something you can throw yourself into.


Good luck :)

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Perhaps consider affiliate marketing? I understand that this can be a somewhat 'murky' area, however, if you can find a product / service that you are passionate about (or even interest in) then you may be able to make some money from it.


Many years ago I was making a very nice supplementary income of £500 - £800 p/m from the Laterooms Affiliate Program


Do some online research and if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.


Good luck!

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