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Does the Cathedral hold interfaith Forums?

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I wondered if the Cathedral holds any? I would be really interested in taking part if they do. I think interfaith dialogue has a two fold benefit, one is that it inevitably helps those who know nothing of other religions to learn about them.


More importantly though many interfaith groups concentrate on coming to a point of understanding by highlighting the doctrinal similarities, but this, as a Muslim friend once put to me, has been 'done to death' and sometimes devolves relationships by also highlighting doctrinal differences.


I think a much more beneficial way forward is highlighting similarities in practice, and allowing those similarities to manifest by working together on a social level.


So my question is two fold really - does the Cathedral hold interfaith events and if so do you see a future in making them (or creating) interfaith workshops, where the practice of religions can be manifest in shared social projects?

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I certainly think that they should hold interdenomitational group discussions.

Especially at a time when religion appears to be on the decline.

They could hold meetings shared with other Christians,and have other days where they invite members of other faiths to join in.

St Maries Catholic Cathedral could do the same,in fact they could take it in turns. I'm sure some young people would be interested if it was properly organized.

As you mention though highlighting doctrinal differences could cause problems but if it was led by someone with diplomacy and understanding,i can't see it being a problem.

They could organise weekend retreats and that sort of thing,but it need not to be to intense they need to switch off, and take part in social activities.

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I certainly think that they should hold interdenomitational group discussions.

Especially at a time when religion appears to be on the decline.

They could hold meetings shared with other Christians,and have other days where they invite members of other faiths to join in.

St Maries Catholic Cathedral could do the same,in fact they could take it in turns. I'm sure some young people would be interested if it was properly organized.

As you mention though highlighting doctrinal differences could cause problems but if it was led by someone with diplomacy and understanding,i can't see it being a problem.

They could organise weekend retreats and that sort of thing,but it need not to be to intense they need to switch off, and take part in social activities.


I did attend a talk on Buddhism put on by the Catholic Cathedral. It was part of a series of talks about other religions (alas I would have liked to attend them all but didn't find out about them until the Buddhist one).


The speaker was a Christian and it was one of the best explanations of Buddhism I have heard by a non Buddhist. High quality events of this nature are unfortunately rare and I would love to see/take part in many more.

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"High quality events of this nature "


That's true. Most religions, if they're talking about another religion, will sort of put it down as an inferior religion. That is why I don't find out about religions from other religions but go directly to the source.

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"High quality events of this nature "


That's true. Most religions, if they're talking about another religion, will sort of put it down as an inferior religion. That is why I don't find out about religions from other religions but go directly to the source.


I wasn't really referring to religions being rude about other religions. I was talking more from the point of view that the information may not be entirely accurate rather than a deliberate belittling of another faith!

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I wasn't really referring to religions being rude about other religions. I was talking more from the point of view that the information may not be entirely accurate rather than a deliberate belittling of another faith!


Didn't mean to offend you, PaliRichard. I know what you meant, was just digressing a bit about how most interfaith talks are conducted and it's rare but great when a church gives an objective, informative/accurate explanation about other faiths. Sorry if I wasn't clear. No bad vibes intended.

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...........and none taken, I merely responded in the way I did in case I wasn't clear to start with.


Incedentally, if you don't mind me asking, what 'sources' have you gone to. There are many varients in some religions and depending on where you go will influence what kind of answer you get.


I can't really expand on that without possibly causing offence, I hope you get what I mean, if not I'll try and reword it.

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