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Spongebob party game ideas please


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My son has chosen to have a spongebob themed party for his birthday this year. He will be 6.

We have hired out a small room and there will about 18 children all around the same age.

Ive got all the tableware and balloons and things like that, but I was wanting to do party games that had a spongebob theme too.


All I have come up with so far is stick the square pants on sponge bob (instead of pin the tail on the donkey).


Really struggling to think of anything.


Hope someone is feeling creative:help:Please


Many thanks



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Get pictures of 4 spongebob characters and put them in the four corners of the room. When the music stops, children run to a corner, someone holds the same pictures and draws one out and the children in that corner are out. Last man standing wins. Works well and kids love it!

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