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Next Home Birth Group 21st Feb


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Hi everyone


The next NCT home birth group is on Tues 21st Feb 7.30-9.30.


This month we have two mums coming to talk about their lovely home waterbirths. If you are considering home birth or just want to hear some positive birth stories please come along. You can ask questions and look at NCT information leaflets etc.


I run this group as a volunteer for the NCT but it is open to anyone - you don't need to be an NCT member. We don't charge for entry but we do have a collection tin if anyone wants to contribute towards refreshments and room hire.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Tilty


Just wondered what kind of attendances you get because i have an idea which could raise some money for the group to help with room hire etc. Plus it wont cost anything, which is always a bonus.


PM me to show your initial interest of call me on 07900 912060


many thanks



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