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Forummers on Folksy or Etsy


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I know there was a thread on the craft forum about Folksy and Etsy a while ago but I wondered if there were any newbies (or not so newbies) on Etsy. If so, what's your shop called? It would be great if we could all connect our shops through "circles" on Etsy and by liking each others shops on Folksy.


I also thought it might be nice to have a thread where we can help each other out with advice, encouragement, inspiration etc. I'm by no means an Etsy pro but I'm happy to help people with tips on getting started etc and I'm sure there are others on the craft forums who would say the same.


Anna x

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Hi to you both! You are both in my circle.


Sophie - you are well and truly followed! I don't know how you keep up with all of those shops as well as the day job. You must be a workaholic.


Anybody else on Folksy or Etsy or have a business page on Facebook or Twitter? You'll find me here:




Anna x

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Hi to you both! You are both in my circle.


Sophie - you are well and truly followed! I don't know how you keep up with all of those shops as well as the day job. You must be a workaholic.


lol, anna, its a well known fact that i dont have a life outside of hats! lol :P




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folksy have posted this up in their forums so i thought id share it here....anyone up for a meet? i offered my availability for the evening session...if they want me! lol :)






We’re doing some research to help us improve Folksy for designers and makers wanting to sell their work. This research will be complimenting a round of site and usability testing we’re undertaking.


What: an informal group discussion / focus group

Where: Sheffield city centre (precise location TBC)

When: Thurs 9th Feb at either 15:30 or 18:00

What’s in it for me?: a chance to meet others, meet us and £10 each to help cover any travel costs you might have


If you’re interested do please complete the simple form and we’ll be in touch. If you think you know others who might be interested please do share the details.


Form: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?fo…


Many thanks,



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