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Families Beware of Council Forced Adoption

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Gordonb...under any other circumstances, I would agree that it may have become a touch personal, however, given that Hadron brought his issues with social services to a public forum, and any opinion after that is fair game.


Just seen your reply and have to agree just seems a shame I suppose.

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It is a shame, it's just lucky that the internet gives the option of anonymity. It would take 5 minutes for Hadron, or any of us, to create a new username and become instantly anonymous again.


True; my concern was more that though we are, for the most part, just screen names to each other, there are people behind the names and real life animosities and feuds do sometimes spill over online. But thank you for clarifying and I take your point about you not being the one to make it personal in the first place.

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I'm not sure how I have come across, or how my posts have been received, however I would like to clarify, that I have no comment on Hadron's parenting skills, as I do not have enough knowledge to form an opinion. I have concerns that the primary carer for his children is not a good parent, and also that Hadron's activities maybe damaging to his children.

My expression that the children should have been removed was a nod to the mother's skills as a parent, and not Hadron's.

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  • 1 month later...
@*fallenangel, without saying too much, I can say the information I have is pretty reliable. Now I can't comment on Hadron's parenting skills individually, however I can comment on his partner's and they leave alot to be desired.

If the activities were restricted to after bedtime, then I wouldn't see a problem, however, by all accounts, they seem to be taking place around the children, and whilst the children are awake.


maybe if you actually looked after your children properly, then you wouldn't be involved with social services?

from the look of your partners posts here, she spends more time poking her nose into other peoples business than looking after the children, and from her accounts, maybe if you left the porn alone you would have more time to spend with your children.

I happen to know someone who knows your partner and her mother, and to be perfectly honest, its a shame those children were not removed a long time ago, as from my experience, the little boy has nearly been run over whilst under his mothers "supervision" 3 times.


I have not been on the forum for a while having to deal with the fallout since the children were taken into care some time ago. Thanks, Chrome I am not afraid to admit I am human and have my life open for all to see and you will also be in court regarding your libelous comments and your incompetent help as a family worker. You were not there to observe you were there to help as your above comment shows your lack of supervision not hers.

Edited by Hadron
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Chrome, you know nothing about me or my life if u did u would understand my childhood may have effeted my parenting skills. The kids were happy at home i fed them well, bathed them clothed them all things a parent would do with them. There may have been a problem with supervising all 4 but that does not mean i couldnt look after them if i had support from ppl then I wouldn't be in this mess. Ive had no support whatsoever since the ss stopped my partner and family from looking after them, i loved those kids from bottom of my heart and i dont regret having them. No one where i live reported me, it was the school just as my son had a bruise on his face where his sister threw a toy at him in spring but finger was pointed at his dad and supervison was nothing to do with it so get ur facts right before u come out with **** and i know who u r

Edited by ilaria
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firstly i would like to say i am a very sad grandma, 1 of my daughters had a baby at 15 , was put in mother and baby unit, did everything they told her to but everything she did was a catch 22 situation, she couldnt win with social services ,eventualy after 13 months she broke down from depression and baby was removed and put up for adoption. now at 20 she has had 2nd baby in may, and is having to fight them to get her new baby back home from out of care which they took at birth, because of what happened at 15 yrs old. she has never harmed any baby, i feel like she is an easy target, but she is fighting this all the way, oh, in case your wondering i have depression so i am not in a fit state myself to have a baby to care for,:loopy: i miss both my grandchildren xxxx

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firstly i would like to say i am a very sad grandma, 1 of my daughters had a baby at 15 , was put in mother and baby unit, did everything they told her to but everything she did was a catch 22 situation, she couldnt win with social services ,eventualy after 13 months she broke down from depression and baby was removed and put up for adoption. now at 20 she has had 2nd baby in may, and is having to fight them to get her new baby back home from out of care which they took at birth, because of what happened at 15 yrs old. she has never harmed any baby, i feel like she is an easy target, but she is fighting this all the way, oh, in case your wondering i have depression so i am not in a fit state myself to have a baby to care for,:loopy: i miss both my grandchildren xxxx


sorry to hear bowt ur daughter and ur grandchildren it must be so hard for all of you as it is for me n my partner we never asked for this to happen and it shouldnt of happened

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