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Does anybody here have kids at Woodseats Primary?

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Oh you again...yes I recall you teamed up with Summa on a previous thread regarding the Manor Park part of s2 a few weeks ago.. Im sure im not banned because im just answering summa with my views and picking up on her nastyness towards others. My OH doesnt work for the council i have no idea where you have gotten this from but its no where near accurate, so id say your view that hes a nice chap is worthy of not much, as you clearly have no idea who he is, nutter. Wasnt you the one who actually accused us of being the same person... so now you like me/him loller...


Dont get involved if you cant say owt reasonable, this forum is full of views..have you not noticed? you cant go mad at only me just because I know how to pull the strings of puppets like you and summa.


As for where I live... Have you ever heard me big the place up? Nope.

Stop falling for it.. I dont make my place out to be fandabi, as no thread on my area has ever appeared..if it did Id get involved with my views....as it happens it always seems to be the perfect s2 for some reason...why it gets so much negative attention on here, I can only pressume is because its not that good really... My own experience saw many children being removed from parents at a rate far bigger than anywhere else I have ever been, that alone speaks volumes..... In MY view.


I don't 'team up' with anyone. I have/post my views. I could have sworn you mentioned your OH working for the council and being in most of the properties on the Wybourn. Unfortunately i can not go back and check as that thread was totally removed. I notice you haven't discounted him growing up in S2? I never said i liked him either. I based my opinion of him on the few posts he made. If that makes me a 'nutter' then so be it.


My bold.... That is pot calling kettle love. When it comes to S2 i can honestly not remember you posting a single reasonable thing. You certainly haven't pulled my strings or made me go mad. You are just a bit of fun to play with when bored.


Is it true that not one single thread has ever appeared about your area on this forum?. I doubt it.

S2 is by no means perfect. Can you find a thread anywhere on this forum where i have said it is?. Thought not.

Most of the negative posts about S2 recently have come from yourself. You can't help yourself. Kinda sad really :roll:

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I don't 'team up' with anyone. I have/post my views. I could have sworn you mentioned your OH working for the council and being in most of the properties on the Wybourn. Unfortunately i can not go back and check as that thread was totally removed. I notice you haven't discounted him growing up in S2? I never said i liked him either. I based my opinion of him on the few posts he made. If that makes me a 'nutter' then so be it.


My bold.... That is pot calling kettle love. When it comes to S2 i can honestly not remember you posting a single reasonable thing. You certainly haven't pulled my strings or made me go mad. You are just a bit of fun to play with when bored.


Is it true that not one single thread has ever appeared about your area on this forum?. I doubt it.

S2 is by no means perfect. Can you find a thread anywhere on this forum where i have said it is?. Thought not.

Most of the negative posts about S2 recently have come from yourself. You can't help yourself. Kinda sad really :roll:

First of all lets get this right.. Im the one having the fun here, dont go trying to alter this just because I have picked up on your obvious anger issues relating to certain forum opinions, which you alone will never be able to change. You need to lighten up a bit regarding this, you will end up having a heart attack, it should be an enjoyable pass time for you, if you cant take the pace, it becomes an unhealthy hobby. (I mean that in very good faith)


Anyway... Mr Taxpayer whom you seem to adore is indeed from s2, I love em rough me, as it happens though his house was knocked down when he was just a wee boy and he moved from there to the safety of s12, so thankfully there wasnt too much damage done.:D ............ In all seriousness, its not so much about how it was in the 70s its about today..3 year olds roaming alone at night, parents with needles poking out of everywhere, I know you say its everywhere and not just on these estates, but i can assure you from experience arbourthorne had a big big big problem, the smack heads were so smacked up that they would even drop their smack on the floor and leave it there...Iv never seen so much crap all lumped into one place...I have on plenty of threads said that most of my former neighbours were hard working decent folk, but that they and my family were in the minority, and so that made it hell...wheather or not the threads are still there I do not know, as you have rightly said they usually get binned... and usually after I have stripped you down to your frilly knickers...

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well AUNTYSOCIAL some of us are trying to be helpful and constructive, maybe if you got off your highhorse you will realise that all the schools i mentioned are within a 20min walk of woodseats school..and as far as S2 is concerned dont be a snob!! its not where you come from its where your going! all we can hope for is that one day we will be just as perfect as you......NOT

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well AUNTYSOCIAL some of us are trying to be helpful and constructive, maybe if you got off your highhorse you will realise that all the schools i mentioned are within a 20min walk of woodseats school..and as far as S2 is concerned dont be a snob!! its not where you come from its where your going! all we can hope for is that one day we will be just as perfect as you......NOT
I hope for the same as you too. i have been more than helpful to the Op, I have explained which schools are the closest, and which schools will be better for her child once he or she is at secondary age.:|


I bet summa is chuffed to bits now.

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I hope for the same as you too. i have been more than helpful to the Op, I have explained which schools are the closest, and which schools will be better for her child once he or she is at secondary age.:|


I bet summa is chuffed to bits now.


Hmmm. I can't believe you've posted this




when you've behaved like an abusive yob on this thread.:|

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