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Thank you to the person who found my mum's handbag - Meadowhall Interchange

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Today, my Mum left her handbag at the Tram Interchange Meadowhall..Oh dear.

When she got back there someone had handed it in,but didn't leave their details. well, if it was you THANK YOU VERY MUCH !! because she was unable to write and thank the mystery person, she has made a donation to Save the Children Fund. Also the two Guys at the Customer Service desk were fantastic and kind ,so thanks to them too. xxx

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We found a wallet on the seat at centretainment cinema a few months ago, and handed it into the desk. I really hope the gentleman got it back.

I hope some kind person would do the same to me...... After hearing your mum's story, I feel that they might. I bet she was chuffed to bits

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