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What food is best to gain weight ?

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my 8 year son has a over active thryoid and is on the borderline of being anorexia (he only weighs 3 stone) so after having a discussion with a dietician he has now been placed on a high protein diet with including plenty of pasta, chicken, bread, and potatoes which all includes carbonhydrates and since he has been on this diet he has gain 1 and a half stone in three months which has impressed me and the doctors and i must admit he does have 2 kfc large meals once a week but thats under the doctors orders ( so much for the doctors trying to stop kids having fast food)

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Originally posted by MTheo

you need a combination of free weights AND the machines, work every muscle group and divide your workouts into different body parts.. (legs one day...bicepts, back etc..other days)


i usually dont go above 12 reps...if i am doing 12 reps easy..put the weight up and try to do 8. then build it up again.


creatine and protein shakes help progress a hell of a lot.



oh and you do get an initial `burst' of muscle when you first start training...but then its slowwww going.


can i ask ru taking this from experience? cos im trying above and nothing seems to be happening, will it take long?

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Originally posted by ryan123

can i ask ru taking this from experience? cos im trying above and nothing seems to be happening, will it take long?

yeah i've been training for not too long..but over a year and have seen great results. my friend is a bodybuilder and qualified enough to be a personal trainer and the gym i go to is run by professional bodybuilders. apart from not gettin my diet spot on (picky eater) things are going pretty well.


its slow progress..and i suggest doing a year where you put in a fair amount of efffort and see the changes. ive started doing charts so i can see the progress better.


maybe you should get a trainer to examine your workout a bit and see if any changes can be made.


(p.s. i dont drink, eat fast food, dont eat chips, dont eat chocolate, most fings i have are low fat, dont smoke and i take multi-vitamens as well.....this wasent all at once thou...i changed 1 thing at a time to ween myself off things)

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