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Photograph argument

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It was a simple question as to whether I could have the photographs removed because I do not want them on this site. What is the problem with that?



then that was your question, no need to mention the kids at all and certainly not on an internet forum.



you really want to get some pro advice about managing a split - really, go and get some before its too late.

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I think that is highly unlikely. This has nothing to do with anything that is taking place between me and my ex. It is not some sort of weapon I am using against her. It is all to do with the owner of the site in question.




you called me slow - I`ll spell it out







some people just dont listen.

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This has nothing to do with anything to do with court as the person in question has nothing to do directly with my relationship with my partner. If this appears in court then one has to wonder what the law is coming to as there is nothing offensive or otherwise in this thread.


This has nothing to do with any sort of attack on my ex. What she does is her business. If someone wants to bring this up in court then cool - not sure what it would be brought up in relation to but hey ho.

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My partner and I have separated. She has given permission for pictures of our children to be used on a website. Is there any way I can have these pictures legally removed from the site?


As long as its a decent website and not something dodgy, what are your objections to the photo's being on the site? are you just objecting for the sake of it, because your not having a say in it, because your not a part of it? :|

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Like I said - the photos were put up before the split - quite a while before. It is the site owner that is the reason I do not want the pics on there and nothing to do with anything personal between me and my ex. Had I been consulted then the pics would not have been up there in the first place.

I suppose I am being childish because the pictures are very good and my grief is with the site owner and not my partner. Like I said - if they were elsewhere then I would not have a problem. I just do not want my kids connected with this person in any way, and trust me - my ex is about as interested in him as she is in dating a doggy do so this is not to do with her in that way.

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Me neither MrMister. This is really not about her - though that may be difficult for people to understand without going into all the facts. I do not think it would bother or affect her in the slightest if these pics were removed from the site in question. If I thought it would bother her then I would just have found some other way to deal with the site owner.

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