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I have started my own diet

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I have started a diet (2 week trial) where I do not eat anything that I cannot fit in a small cerial bowl and won't eat more than 1 bowl of anything an hour.


so I am going to have my dinner today in two halves.


I am going to drink as much water as I want tho which I do anyway since I stopped drinking all other liquids except water and alchol.


has anyone ever tryed anything like this and does it work ? because Its the first time I've heard of anyone doing it and to be honnest dont even know what made me make it up.


Ill let you all know if I loose any weight on it or if I jack it in :hihi:


Fill the bowls full of mature cheddar...YUMMY!

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Fill the bowls full of mature cheddar...YUMMY!


I'm about to fill a bowl with apple and strawberry pie and clotted cream mmmmm



Diets like this can work if you're sensible, they can be abused though as a few posts have pointed out.


Still it might work for the op.

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I'm sorry but I dont see the point of making yourself eat less or smaller portions...


Why not join a Slimming World class - you can eat and eat and eat!! I have lost 2.5 stone doing slimming world and I have take aways friday and saturday and drink a couple of bottles of wine each night.


You really can eat as much food as you want depending on the day your on (Red day = Meat, Green day= carbs) Fruit and veg is free on both plans.


Like I say i have lost weight successfully on this and have never had to restrict how much I eat.


Give it a go I'd say.

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