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Snake Bite piercing recommendations please

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thou art wouldnt peirce me because im only 15 (and my auntie went in with me)

so i went to a place called forgiven tatoo they were really nice he sat me down and told me about everyting what was going to happen then went into the periceing room and he marked the place and got it spot on 1st time and peirced me (didnt hurt at all) i only got one done this time because i want to see how it heals i would deffo recimend forgiven tatto on cricket inn road

it cost me £15 and i will be going there for a nother pericing once this is healed !

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thou art wouldnt peirce me because im only 15 (and my auntie went in with me)

so i went to a place called forgiven tatoo they were really nice he sat me down and told me about everyting what was going to happen then went into the periceing room and he marked the place and got it spot on 1st time and peirced me (didnt hurt at all) i only got one done this time because i want to see how it heals i would deffo recimend forgiven tatto on cricket inn road

it cost me £15 and i will be going there for a nother pericing once this is healed !




Did they do that because your auntie gave consent? If not then i wouldn't trust an establishment that is willing to pierce someone under 16 no questions asked. Plus £15 seems pretty cheap (what did you have done)

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I wish all this bloody piercing would go out of fashion!! I've had enough this year!! My daughter had only just turned 16 this year and came home with a nipple bar one week, 3 different parts of her ear pierced another week, her tongue pierced - 2 weeks of painful swelling;umpteen pots of yoghurt; pints of freezing cold milkshake/water; and lost a stone in weight! (courtesy of Van Shaiks who incidentally also did a clitoral piercing on her 16 year old friend :() Following that, a lovely tattoo parlour on Langsett Rd, kindly tattooed inside her ear and a nice large shoulder 1 on her friend (also 16)! Before anyone jumps on my back about where is she getting her money from-she saves up her spending money from her father and grandparents. There should be tighter restrictions in place for piercing, and I thought tattoos could only be done when you're 18? They just asked if they were 18 and of course they said yes!! They don't look it believe me, the parlour are just wanting the money. I thought I was heading for a breakdown. I'm now informed she wants the 'Sideburn'- a bar with 2 studs at the side of your ear/cheek. Who makes these up? They need psychiatric help!






Iam shocked to hear Van Schaiks did this. And im only going on my own personal view hear iam not calling you a liar or trying to defend the shop but i am shocked. But ive been going to them for years and my sister even longer for different tattoos and piercing and always had no problems. Even to the fact they turn my daughter away (that was with me at the time and to be honest am glad they did this) for a piercing because she was too young and said she was still growing said wait till she older.

I've been in the shop also when a person came in with a piercing he had done at another studio that went wrong, again it was the snake piercing, and they sorted him right, but also only did one at a time has seen one of the piercing was not ready to be re-done told him to come back in a week.

Also by the sounds of it you daughter must not be taken care of her aftercare too. i mean yoghurt and cold water wont help the swelling or infefction, ice drinks and you supsose to swill your mouth with salt water everyday and night and painkillers to help and stop the swelling and infection and pain, it worked for me and many other people. also if your daughter had problems she should have gone back to the shop to complain or ask for advice, again like ive seen many do to ask for advice, and they would have told her what she doing wrong, also can tell if she been useing aftercare right. Yes i have now grew out of piercing, and i agree it is a fashion at best of times, i was one of them people, and i seen more younger people with them now then ever. If you think piercing are bad, pray your daughter don't see the splitting of the tongue that seem to be the craze these days, and that one is for life.

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thou art wouldnt peirce me because im only 15 (and my auntie went in with me)

so i went to a place called forgiven tatoo they were really nice he sat me down and told me about everyting what was going to happen then went into the periceing room and he marked the place and got it spot on 1st time and peirced me (didnt hurt at all) i only got one done this time because i want to see how it heals i would deffo recimend forgiven tatto on cricket inn road

it cost me £15 and i will be going there for a nother pericing once this is healed !


TBH that sound more like an endorsment for thou art than it does for forgiven!

It comes across to me as "I went to one place, and they were really responsible and behaved within the restrctions placed by the law and would not pierce me. so i went somewhere that was prepared to break the law instead"

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yes but they were just as responsible as he asked me 3 times if i were sure about my choice and made i were fully aware about what was going on and stuff soo im happy :)

and as for thou art once i am 16 i will be going there to get my nose peirced so i have nothing agaisnt there choice weather to peirce a minor thats there rules and they need to keep a good rep

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Iam shocked to hear Van Schaiks did this. And im only going on my own personal view hear iam not calling you a liar or trying to defend the shop but i am shocked. But ive been going to them for years and my sister even longer for different tattoos and piercing and always had no problems. Even to the fact they turn my daughter away (that was with me at the time and to be honest am glad they did this) for a piercing because she was too young and said she was still growing said wait till she older.

I've been in the shop also when a person came in with a piercing he had done at another studio that went wrong, again it was the snake piercing, and they sorted him right, but also only did one at a time has seen one of the piercing was not ready to be re-done told him to come back in a week.

Also by the sounds of it you daughter must not be taken care of her aftercare too. i mean yoghurt and cold water wont help the swelling or infefction, ice drinks and you supsose to swill your mouth with salt water everyday and night and painkillers to help and stop the swelling and infection and pain, If you think piercing are bad, pray your daughter don't see the splitting of the tongue that seem to be the craze these days, and that one is for life.


Trust me dieselbabe it's true. I wouldn't agree to her having her tongue pierced as she was born with a mild heart defect. I phoned the shop one night as I had a feeling she was going to go behind my back. The piercist said that a pierced tongue isn't dangerous and a tattoo would be worse. I must have made my daughter think twice as she was hesitant and had her eyebrow done instead (which incidentally she has now removed). I rang back to say please don't pierce her tongue or eyebrow and his reply was "It's not the f*****g Jeremy Kyle show, you need to sort your disagreements out yourselves!" He then said to my daughter "F*** your mother and have it done!" She came home with an horrendous browbar. Her friend was in year 11 when she had a clitoral piercing. She couldn't do PE at school and had to wear a sanitary towel for around 10 days. As for looking after her tongue, I made her rinse her mouth out several times a day and bought her some mouthwash to keep in her school bag. The yoghurt and milkshakes were because I was worried about her not being able to eat. Fortunately it has healed fine and causes no pain but to my horror, she now has 'chipped front teeth!!!' :( Another reason not to have one. She has a dental appointment next month for an assessment on them. I personally feel that 16 years is FAR too young to make the decision to have an intimate piercing. Nothing and no-one will change my mind. As for the split tongue? I think I would need myself committed to a mental institute!

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Trust me dieselbabe it's true. I wouldn't agree to her having her tongue pierced as she was born with a mild heart defect. I phoned the shop one night as I had a feeling she was going to go behind my back. The piercist said that a pierced tongue isn't dangerous and a tattoo would be worse. I must have made my daughter think twice as she was hesitant and had her eyebrow done instead (which incidentally she has now removed). I rang back to say please don't pierce her tongue or eyebrow and his reply was "It's not the f*****g Jeremy Kyle show, you need to sort your disagreements out yourselves!" He then said to my daughter "F*** your mother and have it done!" She came home with an horrendous browbar. Her friend was in year 11 when she had a clitoral piercing. She couldn't do PE at school and had to wear a sanitary towel for around 10 days. As for looking after her tongue, I made her rinse her mouth out several times a day and bought her some mouthwash to keep in her school bag. The yoghurt and milkshakes were because I was worried about her not being able to eat. Fortunately it has healed fine and causes no pain but to my horror, she now has 'chipped front teeth!!!' :( Another reason not to have one. She has a dental appointment next month for an assessment on them. I personally feel that 16 years is FAR too young to make the decision to have an intimate piercing. Nothing and no-one will change my mind. As for the split tongue? I think I would need myself committed to a mental institute!



Has i say before iam not calling you a liar in any way shape or form. I am just toally shocked by hearing this. I never hear of it before from this shop or firthpark one. Always found them very polite and also helpful. Ok i have hear them banter and refused doin a tattoo has too many people had them done but thats about it. But the the way they spoke to you and your daughter was not on all. But the clitoral piercing has shocked me the most at her age it is way too young, i belive 18 is just about young enough to have it done. But who every it is doing this could harm business a lot if they think this is the way to treat customers, has one day someone will complain i know Vans are popular. Yes the splitting of the tongue is not nice, i know two people had it done, and i seen one of them had it done and it was done in a tattoo studio and not some DR's room, was not a nice sight to witness, but i went along to support her and i am all for person to do what they like, but its not for me.

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