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On Chatting To A Tramp

Guest Ant

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I am sorry dylan 61, but that simply is not on. You propose only half a solution. What is poor Ant going to do when the wretched tramp recovers, as surely he will? Why not set the itinerant menace on fire too? Surely everybody enjoys the spectacle of a blazing tramp? It is the sign of a society at ease with itself. Aside from providing pleasure and instruction, cremation is much more 'ecologically- friendly' than burial.

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Dylan what an awful thing to say, even if it was only supposed to be in fun it is bang out of order.


if there was supposed to be a funny side of that its gone way over my head :rant:

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Originally posted by dylan_61

What you should do is find a mate who owns one of those mobile phones with a video recorder option. Your mate then films you as you beat the crap out of the tramp whilst pouring his special brew down the drain, smoking his fags and stealing his cash card. Leave the tramp in his own blood, vomit, drink and urine and you wont have to speak to him again.


Problem solved


This is a disturbing post by dylan_61.


I have attended a police interview of a 16 year old youth who with his mates, thought it wickedly funny to beat the crap out of two tramps. They were beaten with an iron bar, and kicked about. All good entertainment for bored youths.


The tramps were in fact left in their own blood alright. One died, and the other is permanently hospitalised. The youth got 20 years - it would have been life imprisonment were it not for his age.


Tramps have no value to society do they dylan_61? They are not to be pitied - just subject to a brutal attack. After all, dylan_61, it is quite clear that tramps are there just for your sick entertainment. I suspect that there is something pathologically disturbing about you after reading this sickening post.

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Originally posted by redrobbo

This is a disturbing post by dylan_61.


I have attended a police interview of a 16 year old youth who with his mates, thought it wickedly funny to beat the crap out of two tramps. They were beaten with an iron bar, and kicked about. All good entertainment for bored youths.


The tramps were in fact left in their own blood alright. One died, and the other is permanently hospitalised. The youth got 20 years - it would have been life imprisonment were it not for his age.


Tramps have no value to society do they dylan_61? They are not to be pitied - just subject to a brutal attack. After all, dylan_61, it is quite clear that tramps are there just for your sick entertainment. I suspect that there is something pathologically disturbing about you after reading this sickening post.


Can't see what problem you have with spreading the love to our fallen brothers

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Ant, repelling the tramp is simple. He sounds like the kid of guy who has an irrational dislike of minority groups, so you just need to put yourself in a minority group and he'll avoid you like the plague.


So, you've either got to pretend to be...


a) Of ethnic origion

b) Gay

c) A lesbian

4) A Buddhist or Pagen


And he'll automatically hate you.


Personally I think you're best bet is to be gay for an evening. Just camp it up at the bus stop, do a bit of mincing and call him 'dahling'. He'll run a mile.


****Disclaimer: This post was written in light-hearted jest and is not intended to offend the afore mentioned minority groups****

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We have a copy of the original post by dylan_61, before he edited it, so we know what he wrote.


If the members hadn't rebuked you so well you would have had your post pulled and received a formal warning by PM.


However, as you have well and truly chastised, I'm going to leave your bonkers, albeit edited, post for all to see, along with the objections.


You are also warned - bans may follow. Please be more considerate in future.

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Originally posted by Litha

well im Pagan and i wasnt offended JBee :D made me laugh tho cos beleive it or not they still congrigate round me even when they know im one :hihi:


Ha! Good on you Litha. I like pagans, one of my most interesting conversations ever was with a grandmother and high priestess of the craft and she gave me a lucky charm which I've always kept.


You're clearly not trying hard enough with the tramps though! Don't you have a broomstick you can bash them with? ;-)

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