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Anyone had a homebirth recently?


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With the bith of my third child being just over 10 weeks away I have been considering the birth. I am not a huge fan of the hospital, I feel that it hinders the bonding process when you are in an uncomfortable enviroment, they are dirty and it's impossible to rest properly afterwards.

After the birth of my second child I went home after 6 hours, and was thinking about just cutting out the hospital alltogether this time.

I talked about this with my sister yesterday who said she thought the hospital is the safe place to be in case of complications, I wanted to hear from others who have opted for homebirth to see how they found the experience on the whole.

My second child was born without any complications, although he did get a bit stuck on the way out. I must admit I have not seen or spoke to a midwife since I was 18 weeks and have only seen one twice the entire time,I am now 28 and a half weeks, I have found the whole anti natal care scheme this time round to be shocking to say the least. This is one of the things thats pushing me to give birth at home, I do not want a complete stranger who I have no faith in delivering my child.

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I had a hospital birth with my son and while it was along labour there were no real complications, however afterwards when I look back on the whole experience I realised I wasn't really in control and the birth was midwife led.


For my second child I hadn't considered a home birth until my midwife talked about it. I have to say it was the best decision I made. I was very relaxed in my own surroundings and the midwives were great. They pretty much let me do my own thing only helping when I said I needed it. An hour after giving birth my husband son and I were all in my bed marvelling at our new arrival, something that we couldn't of done in hospital.


When I read up about home births there is a lot of evidence to show that labours tend to be shorter, calmer and there is less likelessness of medical intervention. I hope that you consider a home birth it really can be a fantastic experience. If you have any questions please PM me.

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You might like to come along to the Sheffield Homebirth group which is a support group and is next being held on the 26th January from 7.30-9.30pm in West Sheffield - PM me for address. When we meet there is always a mix of women who are currently pregnant and who have had homebirth experience.


I had a great homebirth with my baby who was my first, and would heartedly recommend it. I had a birth pool which was provided by the community midwives and arrived shortly before the birth. Additionally I did a HypnoBirthing class with my husband, so I felt really empowered when it came time to birth, and I totally owned the birth, and being at home the environment was just as I wanted it. I loved the birth experience and am looking forward to getting pregnant and giving birth again. (Honestly, I can't wait!!!!) Since having this great experience I became involved with Sheffield Homebirth group to help people make the understand what is involved when choosing where to give birth.


Also in January, you may be interested in the Birth Stories evening that I am holding in association with Sheffield HypnoBirthing, on 19th January, where people who have had positive birth experiences come along and share them with pregnant women and their partners, the births include home birth experiences. You'll have a chance to ask questions and meet some great people who feel positive about birth.


Wishing you a wonderful birthing day.


Treadlightly :D

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With the bith of my third child being just over 10 weeks away I have been considering the birth. I am not a huge fan of the hospital, I feel that it hinders the bonding process when you are in an uncomfortable enviroment, they are dirty and it's impossible to rest properly afterwards.

After the birth of my second child I went home after 6 hours, and was thinking about just cutting out the hospital alltogether this time.

I talked about this with my sister yesterday who said she thought the hospital is the safe place to be in case of complications, I wanted to hear from others who have opted for homebirth to see how they found the experience on the whole.

My second child was born without any complications, although he did get a bit stuck on the way out. I must admit I have not seen or spoke to a midwife since I was 18 weeks and have only seen one twice the entire time,I am now 28 and a half weeks, I have found the whole anti natal care scheme this time round to be shocking to say the least. This is one of the things thats pushing me to give birth at home, I do not want a complete stranger who I have no faith in delivering my child.


Hi H.P.


Im also planning a homebirth - im due on the 25th of Feb, this will also be our third baby :).


My first was born at Jessops, and well all i can say about that without getting in a state is that its not an experiance i wish to repeat :(.


My second daughter was born at home, however this wasnt planned, i have a very fast labour and she was delivered by 2 wonderfull paramedics :D.


I dont really have much time to post atm, (im about to brave the supermarket) but i would be really nice to chat further.

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I am very keen to deliver at home, the O/H however is taking a little more convincing. He's in agreement with my sister on the hospital being the safest place.

I can really see the benefits of being relaxed at home for the birth,my last delivery was natural so not having any pain relif is not really an issue to me. I also thought with it being the third it should in theory be a quite fast affair :D and I may not get the time to go the horrid hospital.

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I had my third child in June 08 at home it was the most amazing experience.My husband and family were not keen on me doing it but they are all glad i did now.I had the same midwife all the way through so that made it a better experience for me,also having all my home comforts around me.Being able to bathe when you want,go to the loo when you want,eat when you want and what you want all made a big difference to me.You have 2 midwives all to yourself,they dont suddenly disappear half way through like when i had my hospital births and when it is all over they tidy everything up and you get to sleep in your own bed.

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I had a homebirth after caesarean and this inspired me to set-up Sheffield Homebirth Group, a support group for women planning homebirths in Sheffield. Having a homebirth changed my life and my husbands. Have a look at the website http://www.sheffieldhomebirth.org.uk and feel free to email me for further details. There is a page on the website written by a father for other fathers. There is also a book that I would recommend for fathers call 'The Homebirth Handbook' by Leah Hazard - it really blows away the myths about hospitals being safer.


Also have you ever considered employing a Doula? Having someone with you who believes in your innate ability to birth your baby will give you the greatest opportunity to experience childbirth as an empowering and positive life event. I am a trainee Doula and would be delighted to support you whatever your choice of birth and birth environment.



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  • 2 weeks later...

had a homebirth with both mine 1st is now 18mths old and 2nd was born on 4th dec. both times the birth experience was great and as soon as my baby was born he was able to meet his big brother.

i'd certainly reccommend it!

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had a homebirth with both mine 1st is now 18mths old and 2nd was born on 4th dec. both times the birth experience was great and as soon as my baby was born he was able to meet his big brother.

i'd certainly reccommend it!


Would you be interested in coming along to the next homebirth group meeting and sharing your story with others who are planning homebirths?





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