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Ashleigh School - Did you go there?

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He Woody. Hope you are well. It's been a long time. 42 years in fact.

Thought I was the only one who wondered why everyone was so coy. It seems to run deep on this thread. 

As you may have worked out, it's Phil Duggan. Be honest...did you guess correctly?






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Hey Phil


All well here, you? Hoping this year’s going to be better than the last, eh?


I took your advice, looked at some of your old posts and noticed the mention of your dad’s surname, so yep, I worked it out but I didn’t need to be Columbo to be fair!



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Fellas!


Good to read who you all are! I'm 60 in March (and they said it wouldn't last!) but it won't be a very big Party!


Does anybody remember Mrs Eastwood from School? She was very attractive I thought but a bit intimidating  and I know  she taught you and me Woody.... Another teacher I remember from my time in the 6th Form was the Irish lady Mrs Coombs....?


I remember Julie Bellamy very well as I used to do A Level Art with she, Angelina Bates and Andrew Philips (who I once did a pencil drawing of David Bowie for!).


Stay safe n' well



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Hey @anoj or Hodge!


I remember Mrs Eastwood: Bohemian, English teacher, a bit like a more attractive Josie Lawrence (sorry Josie!)?  The other thing I remember about her is Bob Eaton once saying (presumably not out of the blue) “I’m sure we wouldn’t mind seeing you naked, Miss” from the back of the class. Sadly, I can’t remember her response!


Don’t remember anything other than Mrs. Coombes name - was she geography? Of  the other pupils you mention: Julie Bellamy I’d been to school with since I’d been 5; Angelina Bates and Andrew Philips I remember too. Wonder what happened to them?

I hit 60 a couple of weeks ago - the party was, indeed, suitably small - not sure where the time goes, eh? 

Hey @Chevysheff - Mick, you are, I think, one of the only two people I’ve heard from my school contemporaries on the radio: aside from the obvious Russel Senior, and both years ago. Did you work for a company providing school bus services? I once caught you being interviewed on radio sheff(?), if that’s the case.


The other would be Martin Parnham, who again I think I heard being interviewed on the radio about Cresswell Crags where he was maybe manager? Martin’s appearance made me laugh, not because of what he said on the day, but for the time he got me and a couple of others a detention in a music lesson for not being able to stop laughing at his impromptu version of Hall of the Mountain King - in what you would call “beatbox” style today! You had to be there......

Good to hear from you all, stay safe, eh?





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Hi Woody - yes, that was me and my 15 minutes of fame! I never thought about old school friends listening in; I was too busy wondering if there was going to be some sort of Jeremy Paxman 'below the belt' type question. "So, Mick; that's all very well but I'd like to talk to you about the rumours of seal clubbing and baby penguin smuggling that's been going on in your buses" All lies of course.


By the way, if you need a baby penguin (no questions asked) just send me a private message 😉😂😂

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