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Looking for my brother


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OMG. What am I doing if I'm not giving praise. What a proper k*** you are.

Where's you're praise for cgk??? Oh that's right your too busy ripping the heart out of a heartfelt thread about 2 longlost sisters who have found one another. trot on..... And don't let the door hit you on the ass as you leave. x

I think he was meaning thanks from the op, not the other contributors?
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OMG. What am I doing if I'm not giving praise. What a proper k*** you are.

Where's you're praise for cgk??? Oh that's right your too busy ripping the heart out of a heartfelt thread about 2 longlost sisters who have found one another. trot on..... And don't let the door hit you on the ass as you leave. x


ermmm, i wasn't having a go at you at all. i was impressed, as it happens, that you could see only see good things whereas i felt depressed that none of this group of siblings had thanked cgksheff.

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thank you rubydazzler, you are exactly right. i was just feeling quite kicked in the teeth to be honest. i can see how bethsmummy might have thought i was having a pop at her...but wasn't quite up to receiving the insults regardless
I'm sure she didn't really mean to come over quite so ranty. It's been a funny sort of day today, most people seem to have been on a short fuse for some reason.


There must be a lack of positive vibes in the air or something. :)

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Well ok Idler if there was no dig at me then I apologise. But it does come across as if your saying I hadn't thanked cgk.


It might also be worth bearing in mind that these two ladies have simply happened upon each other, today, on this forum and have probably not even spoken yet never mind had a meeting. I'm sure when the enormity of what has happened sinks in they will find time to thank anyone who helped in the search.


Apologies again for the snappiness.


Maybe there should be strict guidelines before been allowed online in future...... involving the question "Are you feeling particularly highly strung today?" If anyone answers "yes" Then a 24 hour suspension comes into effect. lol.

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Well to be fair, the op was orginally looking for her brother and information about him was posted two years ago. A simple 'thanks for trying to help' from the op saying whether she managed to make contact with him, wouldn't have gone amiss was, I guess, what Idler was getting at?


Quite often on here people go the extra mile to try to help and never get any further input about the orginal situation, which is what happened here until the other day.


The sister getting in touch is just a lovely bonus.

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