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Boxing Gym Help

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...I was joking, hence the :P


There is a lot of banter between campuses - I suggest that you get used to it. Hallam DOES have a boxing team, regardless of whether its on the website or not, trust me on this one - how else do they manage to have a Varsity match? I don't think they just stand outside the Union with a sign looking for volunteers on the day...


Hallam and sheffield uni basically train together in the same gym then they fight each other on the varsity.

The Universities themsevles dont have dedicated facilities for boxing as such, but i know they use one of the local gyms (exactly which one they use, my memory fails me)

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Neither university has an actual club, though both have boxers who train at local gyms. There are a few carded (competing) boxers at Tom Bradley's gym in Neepsend (he's not yet affiliated to the ABA, but they are carded through Steel City ABC), and others at Woodseats ABC (Perry Cooke and Mizengo Sikombe from Hallam box there), St Vincent's ABC and one or two others scattered around. Most of the gyms in Sheffield would welcome you.


English Universities Championship was in Sheffield in December, and British Universities Championship was in Sheffield in March.


Woops there you have it a more complete answer.

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Hallam has a boxing club (as do the real University :P ). Speak to them.


lol yea i remmeber knokcing this guy out outside off of kingdom wen i was doin my a-levels and this big guy come up to me and asks me if i wanna join the hallam uni boxing team!

so yea hallam dos have a boxing team

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