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Norfolk Park develpment. Would you change anything?


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a group of us at sheffield uni have been looking at the redevelopment of Norfolk Park for a few weeks now and want to see what people who live there think ahat has happened in the area. In particular we got to chatting about several parts of the plan that it seems might have been done differently today. Specifically the masterplan.


So what do you think was done and what could be changed?


Answers to these questions would be great.


How do residents think the scheme was developed. Do you think they went about producing a 'vision' in the right way?


Do residents think they were involved enough in the process and after the start of development? if not why not?


What do you think could/should have been done differently in producing the masterplan and over the last few years?


Look forward to hearing some replies


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HI pablos,

I presume you either have or will be visiting Norfolk Park Community Forum? If not, please feel free to ring them on 2797617, or PM me if you prefer....they're very used to student projects, and can let you know about meetings you can attend to meet even more residents and hear further opinions.

You want to speak to either Joan or Laura.

Best of luck with it,




PS, forgot to have my tuppence worth!

**The whole process is taking far too long, and people are getting hugely frustrated

**Ongoing consultation and community work (to ensure that the community is still behind the project and are still getting what they want) is nearly impossible if the money is just not available for dedicated community workers.

**Money is starting to run out for the regeneration process, and there are fears in some quarters that Norfolk Park will be left unfinished

**New schemes like the extra care facility Park Grange Rise, look great, as do the new houses

**Prices on the new houses are higher than originally expected and they are very popular

**The community have said for long enough that community facilities and shops MUST go in place alongside the housing...so where are they? Why is the community not being kept up to date on these plans?


LOL...deep breath. May have more to add later. For a student project, you couldn't ask for a better subject. Beware though, you're not the first...could be worth checking out former projects and trying to come at it from a different angle. And DON'T FORGET to feed back your research and findings to the community...it's only polite if they've offered their help.

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Hi cosywolf,


thanks for the tuppence worth (Though think that there is a lot more than a tuppence!) am in the process of contacting the forum and every report is going back to the residents and will be available on the web when we fininsh them in january.


As you say (and i agree) its only right to let residents know the results.


Cheers again



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