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Everything posted by Ashley1988

  1. Yes I agree that with a really friendly or layed back landlord,landlady may equal to a landlord not living up to there responsibilities. However the landlady did try to fix the damp in my flat once she sent builders round but i was out and didnt let me know they were coming and she said she would sort them out but didnt hear anything more. She makes sure the Combi boiler is serviced once a year and any issues or problems i got she sorts out. I would like someones advice on something, to cut a long story short i am expecting quite a large payout soon for an accident i had 2 and a half years ago, i dont have a guarantor or work at the minute due to my injuries, however i am wanting somewhere a bit bigger and keep looking in the paper for private rented properties, I am wanting a semi detatched with at least 2 bedrooms and maybe a garage and would be willing to offer a years rent up front on the basis that is was a long term tenancy agreement, what are the chances of my getting somewhere with this kind of offer?
  2. I Agree with a lot said, I know that the future is better and im not feeling sorry for myself and i refuse to apply for some disabled house in the fact that its kinda degrading for me as im still young and 21, refuse to walk with a stick or with an ankle support,even though its painful ( I realize this is foolish and immature but if i start applying for disability that and this it would probably kill me as before the accident i was massively into sports.) what can i say i have my dignity because all people do is stand and stare!! and i think ive done a lot of putting up with this small crummy flat,after all been here a while!! and yes i know i could finally get a council house if i wait it out, but who has forever?? and priority shouldnt even be considered, should be waiting list for all, so someone got them selfs up the duff? and so they should be a priority?? personally to me its b****cks. I said i wouldnt even bother with council houses, i didnt say i wanted one!! quite happy renting private to be honest just want somewhere bigger.
  3. Hi, First i was ran over 3 years ago and sustained a nasty injury to my ankle, at the time i worked in a call centre and 9 month after the accident i got back into my job, a year later my employer made me redundant and buggered off abroad. in the last year because of my problems i have found it very hard to find a job,even call centre work,because in the next 6 months im going to have to go back into hospital for an operation and after will be house bound for 8 - 16 weeks no employer will touch me, i cannot work manual work as the problems i have are in my legs, im only 21 years old and havent got very much experience as things like receptionists or admin. in the last year i started applying for JSA - thinking i could go straight into another call centre many job interviews down the line this is not the case,they always ask me why im limping and due to hospital appointments i have to explain everything. My previous Employer was going abroad and announced that i would not get any redundancy payout as they were offering me a job in leeds as one department was being moved to leeds ventura and the rest abroad. I got told if i turn this down i would actually be terminating my contract, I had a big argument with the staff and me and some others left before the 90 day notice period was up, for this reoson i couldnt get anything off JSA so once again i had NO INCOME!! previously a couple of months ago i gave up with the JSA and lived off an interim payment for my compensation for my accident 3 years ago because JSA was stopped i also lost Housing benefit and basically lived off £2000 for 3 months. Unfortunatly after this was gone i then applied for housing benefit again and applied for ESA under the fact that i couldnt get a job because of my injurys and mobility. They told me i had to get a sick note off my doctor in which my doctor was discusted in how i was getting treated. She issued the sick note on recorded delivery and they've lost it!! even tho i have a signature for the delivery!! Once again i have no income!! in the past year i have had family pay my bills and interim payments and 2 months was on an overdraft facility of £1100 even though i dont have a job. the only thing that has been paying my rent is housing benefit because even if i dont recieve my payments for esa and jsa i still get that!! I live in a privatly rented 1 bedroomed cluttered flat and have had nothing for 1 year now!! so what the hell would i do if housing benefit stopped??
  4. I Havent even bothered putting my self on the council house waiting list. At the moment im unemployed, disabled and finding it very hard to find a job. I live with my girlfriend in a one bedroomed privatly rented flat with a shower room and where both wanting somewhere bigger because its so small its always cluttered and always a mess. She is starting her Nursing course at Sheffield hallam Uni in january and i am a tattoo apprentice (non paid). We looked at the possibility of council houses but basically the way i see it is because where both sensible and wanting to get respectful jobs for the future as we are both only 19 and 22 we are being peanlized. Firstly because ive not got my girl friend up the duff and got a kid we get penalized for that,because im born and bread in this country im penalized for that and because im not a smackhead or spend my weekend locked in a pub where not a priority. So to hell with it we will both give up on becoming something better, smoke our daily drugs, have 3 kids in the space of 2 years and get bloody iranian passports!! Sad but true, this is modern society!!
  5. Hi.. First of all I cannot believe that your landlady isnt at least being a little sympathetic or understanding towards you. I lost my job last summer and 3 years ago sustained a very serious injury to my leg which has only got worse. This makes job hunting very hard, i fell behind by around 3 months rent in febuary but have lived in this property for 2 and a half years,this being the first time i had fallen behind,since then to this date i still have not caught up with what im behind with. She has been quite understanding and asks for a month and a half rent every month to catch up but understands when i cannot give her the half. She text me last week asking for rent and i text her back explaining that i wouldnt have it until next week and she was fine and she knows im being completely honest with her. This month i will be giving her 2 months rent i have got together which pays for may and june but wont be able to pay her for july until end of august. However even though im behind she knows that i will give her something and not trying to avoid her. Its a little different though becuase where as you say that the property is really nice this is just a one bedroomed flat that is very compact and a little shower room which has quite a bad case of damp. (but not a bed sit) as i have all seperate rooms of bedroom,kitchen,living room and shower room. but the layout of the flat isnt very good at all. I can understand a landlord/landlady being quite protective of there property and also making sure that the rent is being payed,but i believe if there isnt a friendly relationship between tenant and landlord/landlady. Im moving soon into a private rented property (somewhere bigger) and when i start looking i dont only view the house but also try to base an opinion on the landlord/landlady.
  6. If not a Village then could I ask what it is? As it has its own primary and comprehensive,it has a village centre, and is a close community. Its a small village but non the less is a village and to get onto the m1 you gotta get on at catcliffe or tinsley. Its called Brinsworth as thats the name of the village otherwise it wouldnt be named a specific area, Rotherham is made up of villages. Personally i would call canklow a village,not a nice one, and it doesnt have all the village like attractions even though for years it has been trying its best with the park being built but still is doomed. I know its not an important subject but still Lol believe me its a village. Lol you seem very suprised by this information.
  7. If Brinsworth isnt a village what is it? it has its own little village centre? your probs just annoyed because i said your area was a sh*t hole
  8. Hi, Further to my last post, If you dont drive then yes wath is quite a distance ,however there are more options than just Whiston and moorgate. For example I have relatives in Brinsworth which Is really nice, I am trying to move to Brinsworth myself this is the next village on from Whiston which may add another 20 minutes onto your cycle journey. Ravenfield is very nice but once again very pricey this is just through Bramley but wouldnt do your bike journey any favours. Treeton is a nice place but now where getting further away through Brinsworth. Personally from a person who has lived in Rotherham all his life and has family in Brinsworth,Catcliffe,Bramley,Wath and Whiston i would say that the areas that i would avoid comepletely wether or not there are a few nice parts would be Clifton,Eastwood,Rawmarsh,Canklow,Thrybergh,Dalton,Maltby,East Herringthorpe,Thurcroft and Catcliffe is hit and miss. No offence to anybody living in these areas just personal choice.
  9. Hi, Did they ask for a guarantor and were you employed? I read on some estate agents websites that they dont mind the rent being payed upfront but would need a guarantor with wage slips. Like I said i would be prepared to pay upfront but family have all got bad credit and my dad is self employed and finds it hard to rent. Or did they just take your rent and bond and let you move in? And also is your house a terraced house because they seem to be more layed back when it comes to renting out terraced houses.
  10. To be honest everywhere has its bad parts, theres not really a nice area in Rotherham,just little parts everywhere, I now live in Bramley but grew up in Wath, if you drive Wath is a nice place, anywhere else in Rotherham just like most places its hit and miss really,kids wandering the streets in gangs because theres nothing for them to do and everywhere has there local idiots who when the sun comes out fell they need to let everyone listen to the radio.
  11. Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me, very soon I will be looking for a house to rent, I was envolved in an accident 2 and a half years ago, (run over by a car). I incurred a disability through my ankle which severely effects my walking, I am 21 years old and girl friend is 19 we are both sensible and reliable as girl friend is at sheffield hallam university studying nursing and I am studying to one day open up a tattoo studio. However we both live in a small bedroomed flat in Rotherham and wish to move, I am recieving housing benefit and am awaiting to recieve word back from claiming disability. Anyway to the point we are wanting to find a place to rent as we dislike the area we live in and also find that we are very cluttered and crampped in this flat. I am expecting quite a large compensation payout which has been in process for 2 and a half years now this was caused by meetings with independant doctors and court actions and things but now all is done and we are waiting on an offer from the insurance which such be around the figure of £40,000 - £50,000. My girl friend starts uni in september and gets bursary payed by uni of £500 pound plus with the compensation I will be paying the rest. We are wanting a semi detatched property possibly with a garage in a generaly nice area with at least 2 bedrooms with a long term lease on it as dont want to find out that where on the streets at short notice. Niether of us agree that a terraced house is for us the reason being is that although I know some terraced houses are quite large inside we both are private people and would feel claustrophobic, Also as security towards the landlord and myself I would offer to pay the Bond and rent for the first 12 months straight up and would be prepared to pay out £6000 pound this being £500 pcm. I do not have a guarantor for personal and other reasons. My question is does anyone know of any landlord who would be attracted to this and may consider us? The location of the property must either be in rotherham or at least the rotherham side of sheffield. Thankyou
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