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andrey k

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Everything posted by andrey k

  1. does anyone have details of a good mortgage adviser? we need some first time buyer advice etc
  2. I can send one of the files and if you could take a look and see if you c can tell where the files are likely to be. this would really help me out. thanks in advance Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android
  3. the format the file in now is XSPF. I don't understand these issues. the problem is audio recording was made but the people who recorded it say these are only files they have. I don't believe this because I think XSPF files are just playlist files and not the actual files. thanks for looking at my post! Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android
  4. URGENT HELP NEEDED! Does anyone know any IT specialist/consultant who can offer their services to me free of charge. I need help with understanding possibly converting some audio files in the format XSPF. THANKS! Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android
  5. sign me up and 1 more Stanimira (my other half) for Tuesday!!!
  6. spider pete if you can't raise the motivation to make some constructive comment and show you can be at least semi intelligent then please do not assume other people follow your non-intellectual pattern!
  7. James! OGT It may have escaped your attention that my posting was about the "inclusion issue" not one about casting aspersions on my character i.e. maybe i should do something about my financial situation, and to fix it! This is not an educated or mature response, for your information I am from a professional background 2 jobs 1 car and income which clearly makes me afford £3 entry! The point about Manchester charges i accept i maybe wrong, but the point is in a few years time, success dependent the Sheffield festival may or may not take on the same direction and preclude people from attending on financial basis, my whole point is if you have good fund managers or experienced fund raisers you can quite easily make the festival a true free for all event which doesn't depend upon your financial ability! Do not go the same way as other more corporate leaning pride events! If you reply please focus and make it a fair, intelligent and comprehensive one!
  8. how can an event such as this charge people to enter? Isn't this against the whole philosophy of "INCLUSION" i mean after all local community groups and the chair and organisers should have secured council/arts council/ etc funding many months ago! What about people who are economically restricted how can they afford to become involved? I'll answer my own question, you can't and you will be discriminated against upon those who can afford and those who cannot! Organisers you should be embarrassed! Look at other PRIDE events such as Manchester London Glasgow etc do they charge or do they INCLUDE ALL - YES" YOU GUESSED THEY INCLUDE ALL AT NO COST!
  9. Thanks for that although the fundamental problems and the bias towards HA's and not tenants has always been and continues to be a problem. I am currently seeking legal advice as these matters have wider legal implications and reaching and i feel it is the right road to go down. I just need other tenants with similar issues and problems. Thanks anyway!
  10. yes i know this route, but a tenant should not be forced into a position where they must go to the ombudsman for a resolution, i have every right to expect a professional service with a fair and transparent complaints policy, this is clearly a tool the HA uses to "tire" out complainants hoping they will not take the complaint further, especially when the tenant is disabled. It is also widely enough known in the professionals circle that the outcomes of ombudsman's hearings are weighted in favour of the HA and not the individual. What i am talking about is corruption and incompetence and a rotten culture of badly trained and obstructive staff, i am really interested in hearing similar stories. Frank whilst you have a point, it is one that i am heading in the direction of but what i need is to make a point and obtain as much media interest as i can, as this is bigger and has much wider reaching potential consequences. Thanks for your support though!
  11. thanks Frank, yes i'm nearly at the end of the procedure, have a complaints panel hearing soon, but to be honest it's probably not going to be professional or impartial. This is a major problem staff do not investigate the issues fairly or competently and not in line with their own policies, what i need to do is find other tenants with similar issues as i believe it's got much wider potential and scope. Thanks for your support
  12. i need to find people who have had a similar experience with Guinness northern counties, more to the point with shocking customer service from the Sheffield team and incompetence <removed>. all info treated in strictest confidence, we need to expose this organisation. Thanks I have had a nightmare for last 7 months or so with Guinness northern counties housing association. I am a tenant and have been the victim of a vexatious and persistent anti - behaviour case against my neighbour for on-going noise nuisance. I am not a well person and was forced into starting to take medication recently to help me cope and relax. GNCHA have openly discriminated against me and caused me to feel harassed. I have several on-going complaints with them at present and the responses I am receiving are completely unsatisfactory. They are not taking into account their responsibilities to me as a disabled tenant, by not making reasonable changes to their practices and forms etc. Also at on Xmas day I was flooded from the neighbour above and have incurred many losses. I am still waiting for them to repair my flat around 8 weeks after the event. It appears there contact centre in Oldham is not fit for purpose; they cannot coordinate themselves and repair contractors etc. Also it appears the staff in the Sheffield office don't know the relevant legislation when dealing with neighbour complaints, and there is an obvious lack of training there. I have recently begun to instruct my solicitor. I have also requested a meeting with Paul Blomfield MP. thanks so much
  13. sorry its late me and stanimira wont go to concorde its too far out and expensive hope to god back in town next week cheers Marc
  14. ok defo! sign me and Stanimira up for Tues at concord
  15. is it concord just this week or each week for the Tuesday group?
  16. sorry its late! but i want to book 2 of us ! marc and stanimira thanks and see you there! Marc
  17. Cherry tree cafe cherry tree road Nether Edge fantastic food fantastic coffee and unbeatable atmosphere! go on try you know you want to!!!!
  18. hello is any of you kind forumers going to answer this post? Go on just a few! cheers
  19. hello Stanimira, welcome to the wonderful world of Sheffield forum, I am sure people will give you very good advice as we are a friendly lot in Sheffield, wish you the best Andrey
  20. Another excellent and positive worthwhile comment! Keep em coming, I also would happily pay extra at a locals shop as these crazy people who drive miles out of town to shop at the sexy wonderful (not) supermarkets are paying around £5 in petrol, so that knocks the savings right down, as well as decimating our communities! People have to be strong and change will take hard work person psychological and economically.
  21. excellent comments my friend and very valid points, just hope the cynics and pessimists here can see this optimism.
  22. Did anybody see the program last night? There was a very good point about choice and how this is inextricably linked to the crime of food waste. People must STOP being selfish and oriented by their own often lazy & selfish habits, such as not cooking and looking for ready made meals etc. If you saw the lady called Lisa she had i think it was 5 kids, but she was complaining there wasn't enough choices, and also about cucumbers not being straight etc, and what happened next? The owner proved to her that if she cooked from scratch there was enough food/products in the store. If as a nation we are to embrace and benefit from such a wonderful worthwhile project, we must learn to change our mindsets. A few people on here,namely Indizine i feel are almost completely supermarket-ised, and cannot move away from the mind set that they almost (unknowingly) worship the nasty supermarkets. Choice means food waste, people in the UK bleat on about watching the pennies etc, meanwhile they lead a false economy life often plagued by over-packed over-priced items, not to mention the fact people have undoubtedly lazy and many cant cook a balanced meal. What I'm trying hard to say if we want to change we must change our habits and attitudes and buying behaviour, then we really can reclaim the streets, WARNING this will be no joyride, it will be hard and challenge us at many levels but the fruits are far too numerous to mention here.
  23. Sandra try to share your opinions and business experience without being didactic and on the edge of lecturing. I do not doubt your experience, it is your manner and style at which you become insulting and attacking, just refrain and be more reflective in how you speak and post here, that's all! Anyway thanks for the well disguised apology, however i await the moderators opinions on the personal names you called me, we all make mistakes just move on. Thank you for listening.
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