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Everything posted by tjdeli

  1. fair comment didnt realise that there was proposals for a park there, that would be a good idea. its a shame that people objected and you are quite right, its no use grasping at straws now in order to find an alternative instead of tesco's.
  2. i suppose that it would seem that way, but wildlife has a tendancy to settle in and go where it wants. it can still eat your peas and munch through your carrots and generally live side by side to a certain extent. hard bricks and mortar is a little harder to deal with, dont you think? we have badgers that still make their way through our allotments and its great when you see their footprints all over the place. it was just a suggestion, some people may think it a good idea or a nicer alternative anyway!! which would you rather have if you were in the same situation?
  3. whats wrong with taking life a little slower? she said as the bluebirds twittered around her beautifully coiffured hair haha!
  4. well put Sheff Minx.... totally agree with you on the point you were making! we need to look at our quality of life now, its not too late to change. the land would be better put to use as allotments and let people that want to have a go at growing their own produce. And i have got my own allotment so not touting for a bit of earth before you ask! why not put that suggestion forward, its far more environmentally friendly than the planned store. what could be better than fresh produce on your doorstep being sold to you by people you know,you could have your own free range hens and eggs, how about that?
  5. sorry folks i meant Clowne not Barlborough!!! what a prat ha! anyway whatever happens, its good to see that people are still voicing how they feel rather than just letting situations happen.
  6. well danny 1972, i suppose u have never been a hypocrit? people know more about their environment now and care about whats happening to it! its better late than never to realise that we can work hand in hand with nature rather than against it. and as for the location of tesco, well, if you cant see it you wont know its there, thats why its on your doorstep, too convenient for words. it seems daft to build another tesco, when there is one at barlborough and a massive new store at chesterfield. the word "overkill" springs to mind and yes the sigma staff will be arrogant, because you are classed as a nuisance, getting in the way of the £. money talks, sad but true.
  7. it saddens me to read so much negative feed back about morrisons. i work there and have had a happy three years so far. its good to have a multiple of choices as regards where you like to shop, but its true that supermarkets have had a detrimental effect on your village shops, even down to the humble cafes. as for the freshness of the produce, well at morrisons we put the customer first. freshness availability service and presentation are drilled into each and everyone of us. the morrisons motto is "the customer is more important than anything else". and that isnt a load of bull said cos i work there..... its fact! as with everything, once it gets cosy things will change and as with all retailers, making a profit is the main aim and tesco's havent become top in retail by giving a damn what joe public thinks. yes the roads will get busier and yes you could end up looking at a 2 tier building in years to come and yes the environment will take a bashing, but things will never change for the better unless people decide to use their voice in the right places and make their opinion known. and lets face it, some people out there just couldnt really give a damn one way or the other!
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