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Bobbo 2

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Everything posted by Bobbo 2

  1. I have to agree that it only appears like yesterday that we were all very young and starting out on our adventures at Eaton & Booths. ASR ( British Steel Stainless ) was very good to me over the 23 years that I worked there but I have to admit that my time spent at Eaton & Booths was the best of my working life, especially at Hillsbourgh. I had a heart attack in 2004 and was off work for over 10 months and for all I went back to work for a while the company allowed me to take my pension and retire early, it was the best decision that I have ever made. Life if so different now days and for all some said that I wouldn't like it, I literary took to it like a duck to water. I'm a liitle busy over the next few weeks but if you feel like it I would love to catch up with you over a drink somewhere. Take care .
  2. Would your husband happen to be Steve Barley. I worked for Eaton & Booths on both the Pennistone Road & Fullerton Road sites.I later moved to Alloy Steel Rods before retiring last year. If it is Steve I'm sure he will remember me, Bob Prestwood.
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