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Everything posted by newmummy

  1. I would like to, but not sure how to set up the customers. Im a single mum and with all the prices going up its really a struggle. Plus I lost my well paid job due to pandemic.
  2. Hi, if anyone is looking for a personal trainer in the comfort of your own home, please get in touch.
  3. Hi, I am a single mum and looking for some extra jobs. Anyone need help/ cleaner, it can be an older person. I am in S2 but have a car so can go around Sheffield.
  4. Somebody on here mentioned that our body don't need any detox products because it can detox it self.. Yes, that would probably be true if we lived 200 years ago. Our body is perfectly designed, we do detox through our liver, kidneys, skin, lungs..but not at this day and age, our bodies are just overloaded, look above your heads, chemtrails, vaccines, E numbers in our food, artificial sweeteners, trans fats, our water with fluoride, pesticides, herbicides, cosmetics, hair dye, gosh, the list is never ending. We never had so many cancers, autoimmune diseases, allergies, kids with asthma..What does that tell you? I don't say C9 is an ultimate detox, I believe in raw food diet, flax seed, fresh juices but C9 just help me achieve what I wanted and I wasn't disappointed. And I think the person who asked about it was looking for a feedback from people who tried it.
  5. I do agree with all that, I also prefer a method, eat less move more. But I needed to loose a few kgs fast so decided to try it. It cost me money yes, but so do the takeaways and alcohol. I have a positive experience because I have achieved what I wanted.
  6. Its sport & science + nutrition and basic kinesiology transformations. Why negativity towards something you never tried? And noone is even forcing you to try.
  7. It worked for me, my hubby and many other people. Totally agree it's not everybody's cup of tea.
  8. Dear Plain Talker I studied for 5 years I do know something about weight loss.. Of course healthy eating all year round is the best thing you can do, but I know only one person in whole world that does that. Sometimes you need a bit of a kick start, I needed it because I could not get motivated to loose last stone after pregnancy. 4 weeks after I did C9 I lost all together just under a stone and a money I spend on it was a motive to carry on too.
  9. Im a Forever Living distibutor and a personal trainer. I did it to kick start the weight loss becuse I was due to start the fitness clasess within 4 weeks. I lost half a stone in 9 days and another half stone in next two weeks and I was very pleased. My hubby did it and he lost just under a stone ( he does have a bit more to loose). After that he decided to do a FIT 1 programme, and since then he lost 2 stone, so he is happy too.Of course you can loose weight without it but you know what, when you pay that money, you will make sure you stick with it!
  10. Hi All I am running Combo fitness classes for ladies in Victoria Methodist Church-Stafford Road S22SE, every Tuesday and Friday at 630-730pm. The classes are a combination of Yoga, Pilates, stretches and strength exercises that target all major body muscles. It is designed to be for any age, size and fitness level. Everybody is given a free brochure with tips on healthy eating plan, self motivation, self massage and autosuggestion. I am a personal trainer and PE teacher and after gaining almost 4 stone during pregnancy my programme helped me get back in shape in around 8 months. Would be nice to see more ladies with our very happy and relaxing group!x
  11. You are 25 and already with two kids? And you have no education yet you know it all. You must be a supermama.Well Im not, I have 100's of doubts, fears, am I doing well enough.. When I was 25 I was preparing very hard for my 2nd Uni, despite two degrees Im aware of the fact I know very little. Its strange world we live in, people are proud of things they should really be ashamed of.
  12. High standard of living is different for everyone, for me it means good food and good hygiene ( that includes many things) For someone else it might be holidays, nice car etc. This went far from my original question.
  13. My girl was 10 months and had a six pack! Babies are supose to double the birth weight by six months and triple it by 12 months, and we reached that. She used to just sleep on my breast, that was more of a comfort thing then food. I dont actually have a feeling that Im married, all is the same apart we have a baby and he gives me ( I had to ask) £200 a month. And that is all his cost for having a child and a wife. I spend a lot more because thats the standard of living that Im used to.
  14. I breastfed for 10 months but then had to start with formula as I didn't have much milk, she stopped gaining weight. £15 a week- I wouldn't even take that, that is a joke. Apologies, if I had known the background of the people using SF I wouldn't even consider getting an advice here...
  15. Maybride, you are right. I just wanted to know how much people here think they will spend on a child.And its not a lot.
  16. I agree with Jess 22, I too think that a child who may develop complications from for example measles, is more likely to develop complication from a jab it self. So really you don't know this before your child has a jab or gets measles. Its not an easy decision. Also, I had my baby had TB jab when she was born because my dad had TB so I thought its a good thing to do. She didn't have any complications but her arm didn't heel for 6 moths. At 13 months she would have to have jabs for 6 serious diseases, that just scares me. I didn't have the jabs, I did have rubella and mumps and I was fine .I try to be a responsible parent that's why I keep looking at possible issues since the day I fell pregnant. So far the decisions I made ( not having an amnio and forceps delivery ) were right decisions.
  17. I was interested in opinion from the people who didnt have their kids have MMR. I wanted to find out why didnt they do it, did they regret it, etc.
  18. my mum didnt, twice, my friends etc. so yes, i made a mistake for asking for it and thinking it will be easier.were they nice? no.even if what they did with drip was right, they turned their back on me talking their own thing. thats not excately what i saw in documentary "born every minute". anyway, im not going through that again so for me that story finished.
  19. yes that was the length of labour. I heard later that was actually short. I should have maybe waited for natural but she was 2 weeks overdue and there was a bit of blood and water so I was affraid to leave it to the nature. Also I think the way they give drip is wrong, to much to soon. No point having so strong contractions every 2 mins if your not opened yet. Thats in past now, thank God.
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