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Everything posted by lee74

  1. But your average man in the street wouldne expect a muslim to even recognise Christmas, let alone celebrate it.
  2. I think some muslims must celebrate Christmas to some degree. I must have sold 20 trees this week alone to muslims. I cant think why they would buy them if they werent going to celebrate in some way.
  3. I have 2 spare places at my table. I hate to think of people being alone at this time of year. Ive been there before and its horrible. Im being genuine and all i want in return is for you to have a good time amongst people who will make you feel welcome.
  4. I just got an LG f1256qd http://www.google.co.uk/products?client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&channel=s&hl=en&source=hp&q=LG+f1256qd&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=ffgtS-fsMcL_4Aa785CFCQ&sa=X&oi=product_result_group&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CB8QrQQwAA Its very good for the money, quiet and lots of features. Well worth a look
  5. I think you did the right thing. I think your a responsible, caring parent who shouldnt beat himself up about something any decent parent would have done.
  6. No probs chinaski. Glad you arent alone, alone if you know what i mean.
  7. Thankyou! Besides, my post was meant to be sarcastic and more a comment on the sad state of affairs that allows more than one agency to wash their hands of the problem. Agencies that will no doubt be involved when the dog is finally scraped off someones bumper. I wont hold my breath for an appology:rolleyes:
  8. Had this happen to me, my mum and my sister. We dont shop there anymore.
  9. You shouldnt be alone for Christmas. Why not join me and my family?
  10. Why should he get a penny? He hasnt paid jack to our system for years. He should get a job or starve:rant:
  11. It helps a great deal. Your wrong but it does help.
  12. How can it be rubbish when im only asking a question? Dabbled in a bit of honour killing yourself have we or being defensive for another reason? My bold. Or at least thats what the multicultural mob would want us to believe.
  13. I wouldnt worry. Chances are someones gonna be scrapeing it from their bumper soon anyhow.
  14. How do you know this to be the case ot are you just sticking up for them as they usualy share your religion?
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