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Everything posted by dent

  1. does anyone know the best place to go for a female private piercing? herd lots of horror stories thanks
  2. Has anyone got any ideas for games or challenges for hen nights. got the usuall tryth or dare and treasure hunt games but ran out of ideas for something else. HELP !!!!
  3. im also looking for an adult cheerleading class just interested in the dancing for fitness not stunts. Im 31 and i think that someone should start a class up its not just the under 21s that are interested in this type of thing! Anyone know of anyone running classes?
  4. wanting to learn to speak italian. complete beginner any ideas? thanks
  5. Is there anyone out there that can trace a family tree? Money paid for your time. Thanks
  6. sounds good but wanted a class that starts about 7pm due to work
  7. anyone know of a sewing class at night. I want to learn how to accessorise clothes etc. Thanks
  8. Looking for someone who can do 1940/50s pinup makeup for 19th june. Tried myself but no sucess. Cash Paid for your time
  9. Thinking about having my first tattoo. Can anyone recoment Dragon at Intake Sheffield?
  10. has anyone had a tattoo donr a dragon at intake? any good
  11. Has anyone had any tatts done at Feline just off Eccy roas? This will be my first tattoo any want to choose a place that will do just what i want
  12. try living next door to mine at handsworth. Why do old people think that they own the road? They have to moan about everything thats not even worth the effot to moan about! They havnt got anything going on in their life so they have to think ov things to do ! GET A LIFE !
  13. think theres womens only boxing at hillsbrough
  14. does anyone know of any ladies boxing matches going on in the sheffield / rotherham area ?
  15. Boxing equipment wanted Looking to buy a boxing/kickboxing bag approc 5ft
  16. Anyone know of a evening street dance class in s9 area
  17. Do you do any classes a bit later 6:15 ish
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