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Posts posted by bill1

  1. Giving council housing to those (most in need) means that those who are born here and have been on the waiting list for years will simply have no hope of ever getting a property due to the immigrant who has come here with nothing and is now classed as (most in need) nothing fair at all about that.

    The fact is demand will continue to outstrip supply due to mass immigration and the increase of single occupants and the ageing of the population.

  2. how it works is as you get older you starting losing your faculties as your probably aware or not it just makes sense to give them a retest just to see if there reactions are still up to scratch because a hell of a lot of them are a danger on our roads most of them have glasses that are like binoculars so that don't fill you with confidence well it don't me any hows.


    older drivers have a far better safety record than young drivers,your just being ageist.:mad:

  3. I know someone who hasnt worked for 18 yrs and claims on the sick for mental illness when I asked him about it he told me he had a near breakdown 18 yrs ago recoverd but decided to never work again.

    He said work is for fools and horses whatever that means,anyway the thing is all he does is have his medical every now and then and simply tells the doc he is hearing things and feels depressed then he goes hunting with his dogs and maybe does some fishing.so I ask you who is the fool him or the rest of us?we are a nation of scroungers and thats the truth.

  4. sweetie if you dont like it MOVE...i have been here for 11 years and feel safe ..have plenty of friends and neighbours i can rely on ..local shops that know you by first name and know what you like....i work in better areas of sheffield and find the people are cold and insulting....you work it out sweetie....


    well sweetie im pleased for you hun,horses for courses isnt it.;)

  5. But what a jumped up little tart she must be. Annoys me when people come on here slagging off Firth Park - Okay I dont actually live in FP but im about a 15second drive away... GRRRR its actually a really nice place! With a super park.. Great shops.. Nice people..



    lol are you serious,its a dump like pitsmoor and fir vale,and I live close to it as well unfortunatley.

    as to the xmas lights if they put them up there they would probably get nicked or renamed winter festival lights.

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