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Everything posted by Psychceramic

  1. a mixed group would be ideal, I dont want to specify as I think the mix of skills would be really rewarding! I personally specialise in ceramics but dip into all sorts of other things, photography, illustration, short stories, jewellery making etc. Would be nice to join forces with all types of creative types; i would like to learn textiles, felt making, jewellery making in better detail, glass etc; the list is endless. Are you interested in doing something? What sort of things do you make?
  2. Hello i want to set up a crafts group possibly in walkley; anyone else interested? I have tried joining all the craft groups but they are all full and have massive waiting lists! x
  3. Hello, it would seem that all the existing craft groups in sheffield are full to bursting and not taking on anymore members. I am very interested in starting a group up (possibly in Walkley) where we can meet and exchange skills and support etc, with the potential to do fairs and exhibitions and workshops. What I want to know is 'is there any other people like me?' please let me know if you are interested so we can get something going!
  4. Hi I was just wondering if I could do a little poll on here about suggestions for your top three films of all time, any genre, any format...?
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