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mabel lily

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Posts posted by mabel lily

  1. All sorted, money refunded and an investigation under way as to how they got hold of my details. I am assured a block has been put on my account if they try to take any more money out, and the police will be informed apparently if it can be proved it was taken fraudulently. Overall I am happy with the result, I will definitely check my online account every day from now on, just to make sure nothing else goes out. Thanks for all your help.

  2. I wonder if anyone can help me. I checked my on line bank account today and found that 2 sums of money have been taken out with a £1.50 overseas charge added on as well. It says that my debit card was used. I rang my bank and they told me that it was an adult site and that I had subscribed to it monthly and it would be taken out each month. I told them I haven't done any such thing and could they tell me who it was. They gave me a telephone number but it is an american number and there is no code on it. How have they got my details, and how can I get my money back? I am extremely worried now as I dont know how they have got my details. Any advice on what I can do would be appreciated.

  3. I wonder if anyone can help me. I checked my on line bank account today and found that 2 sums of money have been taken out with a £1.50 overseas charge added on as well. It says that my debit card was used. I rang my bank and they told me that it was an adult site and that I had subscribed to it monthly and it would be taken out each month. I told them I haven't done any such thing and could they tell me who it was. They gave me a telephone number but it is an american number and there is no code on it. How have they got my details, and how can I get my money back? I am extremely worried now as I dont know how they have got my details. Any advice on what I can do would be appreciated.

  4. I shop in the market at least once a week and always find the quality of the fruit and veg to be spot on. Its much cheaper than the supermarkets and lovely and fresh. The fish is lovely too with lots of choice and the staff on the stall where I go are lovely, they always have a laugh with their customers and a friendly word. I agree it is ready to be demolished which is why I cant wait for the new one to be finished.

  5. A song I heard today for the 1st time in years was "I'm gonna miss you" by the Artistics. It just reminds me of being young and listening to all that fantastic music that was around at that time. I have downloaded it and now have it on my Ipod and I have played it loads of times already. I unfortunately acquired it originally from a guy who had it at a party on Ecclesall Rd and I begged him to lend it to me and promised to return it to him next time I saw him. I never did and have always felt guilty about how I got it. Mind you I haven't got a clue what happened to it, probably got lost in the 12 house moves I have made since then!! Happy days

  6. Well I totally disagree Gym rat, we did absolutely nothing to our neighbours, they made our lives a misery from the very 1st day we moved in to our house, slinging insults at us and making life as difficult as possible. I stood it for 2 years and then put the house up for sale. All the other neighbours told us that they hoped we would be the ones to stick it out as they had seen off quite a few previous neighbours with their actions. Some people are just after trouble all the time and this family were just like that, they were quite old as well, age is no excuse.

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