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Everything posted by codemonkey

  1. I'm always interested in cheap, free wood for my log burner? Can collect.
  2. I wonder if its the same one that's been terrorizing Clowne and Whitwell?
  3. Fair points, so to recap the above so I can see if I understand your argument; All properties, be they empty or occupied consume a basic level of local authority services? Or to expand upon that, all properties that use a ‘general’ local authority service such as street lighting, highway maintenance, police, fire services etc. consume the same level of service regardless of the number of occupants? I’ll go for that. So to make the system fairer why not have a basic local authority property tax charged at the same rate regardless of whether a property is located or is occupied, empty, large, small and irrespective or the number of occupants inhabiting it? This could then be supplemented by an additional tax per occupant?
  4. hmmm, but if the property is empty the owner isn't consuming any local services?
  5. I've heard a rumour that decent women exist, this can't be true?
  6. Why not just use the library in Clowne if you live there?
  7. Ok, to turn things around a little, does being a single dad put women off? BTW, just for the record, I'm not trolling, I'm a single dad.
  8. It's out of the way but Sandro's in Clowne serves up authentic Italian food.
  9. I moved from Woodhouse to Clowne a few years ago I still think its a nice place to live. The council estate off Creswell Road is rough however Ringer Lane, Ramper Avenue & Ridgeway are all lovely places to live as well as the estates off Boughton lane like Mastin Avenue & Heritage Drive - Google and street view them. For me, in answer to the comments about 'Barlborough seeming nicer' i agree the old centre on the village is lovely however living in house on the estates in new Barlborough is no different from living on an estate pretty much anywhere. After 30 years in Woodhouse I got tired of the constant petty theft and vandalism, for instance hanging baskets getting nicked or trashed every weekend, having my car broken into, vandalised etc. Since I have been here, zero. Not one instance. The only incident I have had was when a takeaway delivery driver delivering to another house knocked over by glass recycling bin, however he parked up and came to my house to ask for a brush to sweep it up!
  10. It has made more that a few people smile ;-)
  11. Tomataheed, trust me not to be in the office when the sun finally comes out! Lets hope for sun next week:-)
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