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  1. Hello everyone past and present quitters It's been absolutely ages since i've been on here. I'm 6 months smoke free on the 25th Jan and rarely think about ciggies these days. I think Champix is absolutely brilliant. Has anybody heard about how Kevin is? Kevin if you're reading this how are you? Good luck to everyone starting out. You can do it x
  2. Well Done Geordie!!! I'm glad you haven't suffered too much with side effects. I gave up the ~Champix~ quite early on, so only lasted about 3 weeks on it. BUT have been 8 weeks 1 day etc etc smoke free. I struggled when I stopped the Champix for about 3 days but now I don't think about having a ciggie for days. It's only usually when I am with my smoking friends and then I think how much it smells etc. Like you I gained weight but my gorgeous doctor (must be cause I work in the medical profession) gave me Xenical and today which is my Weight Watchers online weigh in I have lost enough to make it that I am now the size I was before I started. Still a few pre giving up Ibs to loose though. What I'm trying to say.............. Is that it is possible to achieve... Just look at some of them here that have done it. You have got through the worse I'm sure and in the weeks to come people will notice you not smoking. If they don't get a T-shirt with Smoke Free Zone on (my hubby got me one) and see if they ask questions. I bet most will be gutted they didn't notice your achievement but will be so pleased for you. Keep going WELL DONE Keep us posted xx PS. Was a 20+ a day smoker. What about you?
  3. Hi Everyone How are you all doing? I'm still smoke free and have stopped the champix 2 weeks ago. Starting to feel a little more normal and not craving hardly at all. Really chuffed as I had put on 10 Ibs but joined weightwatchers last week and lost 3 Ibs so far. BUT have had a really bad morning and have eaten loads (big sigh). Probably cause worked a night shift last night that was really stressfull. I send my hope to you Kevin and my thoughts are with you. Keep going everyone x
  4. Hi Rarmin I'm sorry that you and others may have misunderstood what I was trying to say. My god I totally agree about the negative being here as well about Champix. If you look back at my threads I too have stated them. It was only the comment about some of us have to smoke or we face jail or losing our family that made me feel I had to comment. I really feel sorry for all of us that do not achieve our goal. I am only 24/25 days in and would never say never. Jabberwocky I'm sorry if I seemed harsh in my reply. Anyway I TAKE BACK ALL I SAID, WONT SAY IT AGAIN, WONT COMMENT AGAIN BUT WILL STILL THINK IT QUIETLY
  5. Well I don't agree with you in the slightest. I think it is really out of order that you have come on a forum that is obviously supporting those who are giving up smoking and state that in order to keep your sanity and stay out of jail you must still smoke. NO NO NO unfortunately and I really mean this YOU have not managed to give up but please don't undermine those that have and are still suffering from taking these pills (but still not smoking). I'm sorry you didn't manage it but by still smoking you may lose all your family anyway and them you because if you get lung cancer you wont have a choice. I know you have been on this forum since it started and have read many of your posts. Mostly you have justified why you are still smoking so maybe you should join one for those against giving up. No one should smoke and if you take a time to read the physiology of it you would see why. It just numbs the system. Anyway, I hope you do achieve giving up one day as it appears to have been a real battle for you. It has me I'm only 24/25 days in and am struggling so much, so I know where your at.
  6. Hi Y.D.R.M.D.Y I can't say what you should do but on research you really should be reducing the dose to at least 1/2 blue in morning and evening if you are feeling this bad. I know I shouldn't have stopped the pills dead but the only thing that can happen is that you relapse but hey I'm fighting it and I'd much rather do this than feel really bad. I think that Champix is really really brilliant and people should listen to their body and utilise it accordingly. Keep going strong, resist the urge to kill and smoke and keep on keeping on xx
  7. Hi Everyone Well done to all of you who are starting the journey or are in the thick of it. Day; 24 of stopping smoking FEELS LIKE IT SHOULD BE MUCH LONGER Went to France last week and it felt like every bugger was smoking. Even the cows looked liked they'd had a sneeky one behind the cow shed. Was totally fed up with feeling crap and craving on Champix that I stopped it dead 5 days ago. The cravings are no worse but the head feels great. I have stopped the nightmares and feel back to normal. This is aside from the fact that I sooooo need a fag BUT I'm still fighting it. Have put 10 Ibs on in 24 days so am going to get new drug out. It's just been agreed by NICE so the doctor should prescribe it but am starting to think I am a junkie. Noticed the first major change by giving up smoking last week. I managed to walk all the way to the top of Mont St Michel and lit a candle for my dad. Had a tear but was in no way out of breath and really feel this is my best moment yet. Keep going everyone. You really are keeping me going. xx
  8. Well how nice to hear these dreams are normal. I was beginning to think I was going mad. I am only 6.5 days stopped smoking and 3 weeks on Champix and up until 3 days ago I didn't have any side affects from the champix. BUT now my dreams are nightmares and really bad at that. I keep dreaming about being kidnapped by 6 foot robot/human and held in a van. Then moving on to a poltergeist who wee'd on my bed and removed my toilet and tap. OMG I felt mental and I give up the amount of times I've woken up upset that I've had a fag!!! When is this likely to stop? I know it's a small price to pay for stopping the dreaded weed but I've got to work a night shift tonight and worried that through the night I'm gonna start to lose the will to live. (not whole heartedly). Anyway, I really fancy a fag at the mo but will carry on fighting. Keep going everyone Thinking of you Kevin x
  9. Hey Stigs dad Good on you and nice to hear some good news. Well, spoke to my better half and he seems to think the scene you are talking about was filmed in a place called Aosta and thinks it is known as Aosta Valley and obviously is in the Italian Alps. Don't know if it helps but heyho you can but try. Please put a picture of your new wheels on here as it might inspire a select few. I would never be able to afford one so grand but there is a nice little MG down the road for sale so you never know!!! Keep going and good luck in finding your oasis x
  10. Hi All and stigs dad Well I have gone and done what you sugested. Last night at exactly 11.30, whilst trying to find a damn chemist open, I had what was not intentionally going to be my last ciggie. I only smoked 4 yesterday (was at work for 8 of the days hours) and just had this feeling it was now or never. Threw 2 (1 whole) packets in the bin (not helping anyone to kill themselves but hard cause am generous) and walked away. Well, am now only 17 hours into not having a fag and despite my psychological moaning I really think it's gonna work this time. Is it that wrong to be this positive or am I heading for a fallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll?? Anyway, must go as if I don't move I'm gonna eat the contents of my fridge and trust me I did a big shop yesterday so it wouldn't be pleasant. Keep going everyone Congrats Stigs dad on getting this far Thinking of you Kevin x
  11. Hi Stigs dad Thanks for your reply. I seem to have calmed my cravings at the moment. Today I am down to 4 cigarettes and they were because I felt I ought to rather than a need. What Kevin has posted has seems to have given me a push. I find myself thinking about his situation every time I think I should have a ciggie. My god that sounds so weird as I don't even know the guy but my god how sad when you really see the reality. I have nursed 2 elderly people with cancer who were still smoking and right or wrong I felt it would never happen to me cause they were old. HOW wrong can you be!!! Anyway, keep going everyone We can do this x
  12. Kevin Are you being serious? I really am sorry for you and your nearest and dearest and although I can't imagine what you are all going through I do sympathise. I am a nurse and have been on the other end of this. However, although you may have been given a time scale please please don't believe that it is a given as I have seen many a person go way beyond this. Keep strong, eat well and try to stay positive. Take care
  13. Hi SD Thank you for very reassuring message. I really felt like a failure. Well done to you for going 91 days. I am so looking forward to being free from them especially as I feel so ill all the time. Have not had a fag yet today but then it is only 9.50am ha ha. But this is a real breakthrough for me. Do you ever stop thinking about smoking? xx
  14. Hi There Thank you for your swift reply. I see what you mean about the thinking/ needing thing. I am only 34 and have smoked 20 a day for the past 18 years (apart from a year when pregnant) and it is a habit I admit. Did your OH still struggle on his quit day? My OH doesn't smoke so really doesn't understand what I'm talking about. Have you or your OH put a lot of weight on and if not what have you done to stop picking? I can't afford to put weight on so am one big worrying mess at the mo!!!! Anyway thanks for reply
  15. Hi everyone I have been reading this thread ever since I decided to quit using champix. I have had numerous unsuccesful attempts and decided that I have to give up NOW. Well, to cut a long story short today is my 10th day on Champix but apart from yesterday I am still smoking as much as I used to but feeling really crap with it. I have spent most of the weekend just laying on the sofa as I feel sick and tetchy. WILL I STOP GETTING THE URGE FOR A FAG??? I am worried as my last day of smoking is this Friday and unless some miracle happens I am gonna fail again. I have noticed that most of you are stopping smoking way short of your quit date and this is really stressing me. Any advice would be gratefully received. Oh, and by the way WELL DONE to all of you that have managed it. You should be dead proud of yourself. I will now go and have a fag while I wait for a reply ha ha xx:gag:
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