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Posts posted by FinBak

  1. 25 minutes ago, Planner1 said:

    Well, we’ve been living under these restrictions for a while now and it hasn’t happened yet, so is it likely and should we be concerned? No to both I’d think.


    People have a mind of their own and can observe and decide for themselves whether they want to be in a place or not.  The authorities also have the means to deal with any behaviour deemed to be unlawful.

    The Florida episode was apparently the first easing of lockdown in that area. A lot of folk naturally headed for the beach and looks like it got a bit busy. Did it cause a big problem? Have we seen reports of masses of people out there not observing the distancing guidlines since then? I certainly haven’t. If the authorities over there thought it was a problem, they’d deal with it. Is it anything we need to be concerned about? Probably not I’d think.

     Did it cause a big problem..!  What planet are you actually on?


    The problem will be seen later down the line...Not immediately.

  2. 2 hours ago, Anna B said:

    Is it just me, or has this Coronavirus pandemic had the effect of turning some people back to God, or at least given them pause for thought? What do you think?

    I don't think so...Most Thinking folk... these days do not believe in GOD....Or Any gods.


    You say some people are going 'Back to God'....As if they were With GOD in the first place?


    How do you know what their belief is or was?









    18 hours ago, Anna B said:

    Belief (or otherwise) is a very personal thing.


    Please don't confuse it with religion which I believe is a flawed man-made concept, and has historically been used to insist on a particular crede /viewpoint, and therefore used to control people.


    You surely don't need a church or temple to pray or meditate or believe in something greater than yourself. If people find these things comforting and helpful, so be it.  Somewhere it says that God's temple is within all of us, which implies that we can worship alone if we wish. However if some people also gain extra comfort from belonging to a like minded group, or religious community then that's up to them. I'm lucky enough to know some truly wonderful, kind and gentle people who live a good life and also attend church, and some who don't. I also know a few bigoted, blind judgemental types in both camps too, so it doesn't really prove anything.


    As for the religious gatherings you mention, well to me that just flies in the face of common sense. God helps those who help themselves.  No pastor or religious leader worth his salt  would put people in a dangerous position just to prove a point. It's arrogance beyond belief.   

    My bold....So you are a believer then...!


    This is where things might get a little sticky..



  3. This post reminds me of 'Chubbies'....Cambridge Street...The best lamb kebabs money can buy...Expensive @ £5.80...But well worth it...I doubt they are open at the moment? 



    26 minutes ago, bassett one said:

    yes tried the bag from Iceland and its a low price,mine was fine,with salad extra

    Iv'e tried this stuff...The flavour is excellent...It's the texture and whats in it that bother me..!

  4. A lot of folks here will have heard of.... 'Jean Michelle jarre' and 'oxygene'.


    How about this?...


    Someone actually copying Oxygene 2 and playing it LIVE..!


    This guy has some cool musical instruments but more so...he has a fantastic talent.








  5. 2 hours ago, Planner1 said:

    Utter nonsense.


    Public access only ceased because Capita ( the councils IT contractor) took out of use the old server that was used to give that access. No affordable solution was ever found to restore the public images. 


    The Police could see the images anyway.

    Well...having PUBLIC  access to the cameras was a bit daft in reality.


    Think about it.!





  6. On 14/03/2020 at 10:32, Elmambo said:

    Whilst some of you extremists out there are busy promoting your North Korean style  authoritarian state and advocating  death by crushing  for very minor infringements of the law, you are failing to highlight the con trick the government  works on us - everytime a car changes hands it gets an extra months tax;  eg  I sold my car a couple of day's ago, I will not get a refund for this month and the new owner will have to tax the vehicle from the first of the month - hence an extra months  revenue.  Nice little earner  eh !  

    Your loss is absolutely down to your own stupidity.


    Why sell your car MID month?


    It's folks like YOU that are making the GOV'T money.


    When selling a car that IS taxed, sell it at the END of the month.


    Problem solved.



  7. 13 hours ago, Resident said:

    Exchanging a paper licence to a photocard doesn't cost anything.....

    Oh yes it DOES.


    It's  £20.00. And you have to provide an UP TO DATE photo.


    Also you need to Re-new your driving licence EVERY 10 years. (Another £20.00. FEE.)


    If you don't re-new your licence your Insurance is Invalid in the event of a claim.


    Be-aware  of the FACTS before you post such claims. 

  8. 13 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

    Oh jeez. The Sheffield forum nostalgia fever has infected. 


    Waaaa don't like change.  Waaaa I want it back the way it was.  Waaaa all this new stuff is horrible.....


    God sake.   The world evolves. Life moves on. Shopping habits have changed.


    Firstly you ask where all the parking is for the cinema when there are three bloody car parks connected to The Moor itself and at least half a dozen others within a 5-10 minute walk.   


    Secondly you are missing the key point in my earlier post that there are people LIVING around The Moor these days.  There are dozens of student residences and private apartment blocks around The Moor these days.  Plus at least two more I can think of are currently under construction too.    These are people who are likely to walk to these new facilities many are unlikely to own a car at all.


    Time for you to wake up and realise there is life in the city centre which goes well beyond shopping.



    Waffle on all you like....But WE don't like it.!


    I'm all for change and innovation...That's not what has happened on the Moor.


    It's been obliterated.


    Folks living round the moor isn't a good thing IMHO.



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