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Angie v

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Everything posted by Angie v

  1. Can anyone remember the story of a missing boy that was found in the Tinsley canal, either in the late 70's or early 80's. he would have been between 8 and 11 years old and he went to Norfolk school, I can remember the police coming round to my house to ask about him, i am trying to find out his name , if anyone can help. I think it was Tony Something. Cheers Angie x
  2. I have finally decided on Monica Hewitt at Hilborough, i have seen some examples of their work and they look great, they also do some really good ceremony packages.
  3. I am getting married in 2008 and haven't got a clue where to start, so can anyone recomend a good wedding florist, that isn't too expensive also i dont mind something a little bit different. I am also after wedding cars, i am looking for the more old fashioned, classic types, so if anyone can recomend some it would be brill.
  4. Do stars for cars only do limos, as it is a clasic car i am after not a limo, but thanks anyway.
  5. Has anybody used this compamy for their wedding cars, if so would you recomend them, Or could you recomend a good wedding car service in Sheffield or Barnsley.
  6. Trophyman, name of billy rings a bell in the year below me, but i cant put a face to the name, As for Emma, i used to live next door to her and i babysat for her, i haven't seen her in about 17 years, would love to know what she's up to now tho.
  7. oh well, im off now, if anyone thinks of any more names, let me know and ill have a think, C ya later peeps. TTFN
  8. you are right about the wrong dates on FR, i have noticed that too.
  9. Vidster, have you been on friends reunited, according to that Jane left in 1990 too!
  10. she was quite tall and yes she was blonde, but it hoguth she left about the same time as you, she will be 32 in april, so you do the maths when she left school, but i thought she left in 90, but i might be wrong
  11. I knew john paul, lived above the hair dressers had a sister called jane, used to play hide and seek with them on the shops, had a right laugh
  12. I remember Russel and Jason, they used to live on northern ave didnt they, across from the vulcan pub. do you remember someone called Emma Pickering?
  13. I only know 1 paul in the year below me, and i cant remember if it was him, i know out of school he used to hang about with someone from ashleigh called dodsy.
  14. one of my best friends now is someone i went to school with, but apart from her i didn't like most of the other people i was at school with, all my friends went to ashleigh where i wanted to go but they couldnt fit me in
  15. i think later on he had it permed at the back, about 1985ish, he used to live just off northern ave and his mum used to work at the bookies on northern ave shops.
  16. I left the year before you, in 1986, so its 20 years this year for me this year, tell you what tho, if they had a reunion tomorrow i wouldnt be going.
  17. Just remembered Shauns nickname was slap head cos he had a calflick in his fringe, does that put a face to the name
  18. Tell me about it ppn, i hit it nearky 6 years ago, how old are you?
  19. Mr Cook was my Form Teacher 1985 & 86, used to freak us girls out when you had to speak to him 1 on 1.
  20. What did i do wrong then, i was always a good girl, never wagged it, did all my exams, but still ended up a waster
  21. Trophy man, did you go to school with a girl called Emma P by any chance? Also Les do you know shaun compton or sean cramer? going on how old you are you should know them.
  22. If your bro is 34 then he must have left the year after me, so he must know quite a few of the older teachers, what is your brothers name, i might know him.
  23. Dont know Mrs Knifton, if i think of the teacher im on about ill let u know.
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