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Everything posted by GreyStarling

  1. That's good to hear Chefkicker. By the way, I must congratulate the Gabbitas brothers on their efforts and also their choice of music.
  2. Great show Farhad, and great performances by AFK fighters: Becky Usher, her first fight? looked more like a seasoned pro - technique, bravery and finished strongly. Yousif Ibrahim - Class. Well done all fighters. Is it true that Michael Gabbitas' opponent stepped in at short notice? It's fighters like that that save shows.
  3. I know it's not exactly what you're after but if you fancy bringing your experience, AFK (freestyle kick boxing) does fighter's classes on Mondays 6:30 at Knoxs gym (next to niche nightclub, down from Decathlon) which feature sparring. There's also a class on Tuesdays 6 o clock at Lancing Road Martial Arts Centre (off Charlotte Rd) with the opportunity to spar after.
  4. A few years ago Snuff Mill (behind Ecclesall Tesco) did a lovely job on my corroded rear wheel arch. As far as I know they still have the same body-work bloke.
  5. Oh it's ok in a mediocre sort of way. Efficient service, decent starters and reasonable prices were countered by bland bread, rubbish wine, and yes, a petit suggestion of the microwave.Instead get yourselves over to Zeugma or Wasabisabi on London Road (or Lonny Road as those pesky students will soon start saying).
  6. Couldn't agree more. It's nothing more than a studentism - claiming familiarity with a place they've got little to do with other than wearing floppy hats and shouting 'whoo'. cf The 'Porter's' cottage.
  7. You're going to cram that cap on even if it doesn't fit aren't you? Obviously if it's too much then you don't take a bus. From my understanding, children with a range of conditions attend The Ryegate centre, some may feel able to take the bus some may not.
  8. They could even - lights the fuse and stands back - take a bus. The area is served by the 51, operating at a 10 minute frequency.
  9. I've heard that this graffiti has been commissioned to brighten up the area. Some people are never satisfied.
  10. Spot on! We always managed to park our cars outside our house. And we persuaded other residents not to buy more cars or to sell their property to people with more cars than them. Dialogue not despotism!
  11. I agree. We've got 4 cars, what's wrong with that? We've all got different jobs and public transport doesn't serve us. Any parking problem, including the scheme's introduction, in Sharrow Vale is down to unemployed car owners.
  12. Yeah. I got drunk once and bought a pair of shorts that I didn't want. This was a scam because they must have known the state I was in. So much for 'the customer is always right'.
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