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Everything posted by normansmum

  1. Thanks so much for all the info. Its not a top of the range model so when I couldn't obviously find it I assumed it wasn't there. I know its only a little thing but I'd rather use the ipod than cd's and my lads are desperate to have an ipod full of dubstep blaring out I'll try holding the cd button in and if it goes to aux I'll go on a port hunt
  2. Thanks for the info. I'll have an in depth rummage when I bring it home and I'll have the manual to read then too
  3. Thanks for the info Floyd77 - I'll have a look for it again when I collect it at the end of the week. Do you know if it was pretty standard that Audi fit it in the 08 A3 or was it and optional extra?
  4. Has it floyd77?? I had what I thought was a good look for one but didn't see it. Where is it? * Tell me! Tell me!! * I found like a slide back draw in between the front seats and that had a cup holder lurking inside. I hope you're right Floyd77 you might have made my/kids day :-)
  5. Mozalon no cassette but thanks for your idea
  6. Hi all again - it looks like I've moved since my first post The car is new to me - it's 08 A3 I couldn't find a Aux port so I reckon its pretty much their basic stereo (because I know they also put Bose in them - sadly this isn't) There is however a pull out ashtray that would be perfect for putting and hiding a Aux port without altering the look of the dashboard. Of course I don't know if that is feasible or possible it's only me thinking
  7. Thanks all for the replies. I don't know what stereo it is I'm buying a new car and it has a standard Audi stereo in it. I'm definitely not up to fitting anything myself and being a new car to me I want it doing right. sorry I'm not much help here am I? - what a numpty
  8. Thanks for the reply No User Name, I've already got one of those but the sound quality is very hit and miss and a bit rubbish
  9. As the title says really. I'm wanting to put an Aux port in the car so we can play music from ipod and phones through the stereo. Any recommendations or advice gratefully received and any idea how much this may cost. Thanks in advance
  10. I don't think it's the paying for the TV, it's the extortionate amount it costs that is my gripe.
  11. It's a complete rip off When my ex OH was in hospital following a heart attack nearly 7 years ago, with TV, phone calls and parking for nearly 3 weeks he was in, it cost us a fortune. That was with a young family and the uncertainty of reduced wages/sick pay to worry about.
  12. OP I assume you have broadband already? If you do, you will be paying your line rental anyway - how does plusnet compare with your current provider? I agree the installation fee does seem a little mean considering it's a prize. Really not what I expected from PlusNet. I am a PlusNet customer and have been for years and they are a top company for customer service.
  13. It cost £260 and I know in the grand scheme of guitars thats cheap, but not so cheap if it's got to be replaced:( Any idea how much a repair like that would be - less than £260? Thanks for the recommendation btw
  14. My eldest son has accidently dropped on broken the neck of my youngest sons electric guitar Now being a complete numpty and knowing nothing about guitars I would appreciate any advice please. Can a new neck be put on a guitar, who and where if it can? Any idea of a price approx - its a stagg Please because full on war has broken out:rant: and I'm ready to sit in a corner stabbing myself in the eyes with blunt pencils because its more fun
  15. I highly recommend Thorncliffe Garage on the Thorncliffe Industrial estate High Green/Chapeltown. Not the cheapest MOT price but I have never been ripped off. The place is always busy and that speaks volumes IMO.
  16. I agree with your post somewhat but it's a bit different than a stranger on the internet inviting a 16 yr old child to travel half way up the country alone to a strange city TBH I can't believe either of these childrens parents (if this does happen to be true) WTF are they thinking?
  17. I'm a size 0 supermodel. Pah it's always the same when I'm driving around in my Ferrari - damn speed humps all up the road to my house. You might have heard of it - it's on google maps its called Chatsworth, so I have got a spare room if you want to stay OP?
  18. There are many reasons why it is a bad idea, but you have added a new one - you have a lot of growing up to do. You obviously didn't like the replies you got so you started a new thread and changed your story. Firstly you were meeting a stranger/girl you've only met on the internet and then you post a new thread about meeting up with old friends. Hmmmmm interesting isn't it OP - people can tell you anything on the internet.
  19. You met this girl on the internet and you are seeking advice as to whether to meet her on the internet. Here's an idea - why not get a couple of your friends together and get her to get a couple of her friends together and meet for the day at a theme park? When you meet face to face you may not even like each other so at least that way you can still have a good day out rather than be suck for a week in a strange city with strangers.
  20. My advice would be to leave your bedroom /internet and get out and make some real friends, go to school/college and enjoy some real life. You are a young lad and there is so much fun and life that is not behind a keyboard.
  21. Sheffield is a big city and is vast in comparison with small cornish towns, but it would make little difference what city it was as it is foolhardy for a teenager to go and meet a stranger off the internet alone.
  22. Out of interest and without posting the address what area of Sheffield is it? What's the first part of the postcode eg S2, S6, S10 etc?
  23. This has got to be a wind up You haven't a clue who you are meeting!! It might not even be a teenage girl. To add I have 2 sons around your age and there are definitely places in Sheffield I wouldn't let them hang out.
  24. I assume the girl you are planning on spending the week with is about the same age as you OP? If I was a parent of a 16 year old girl I wouldn't invite a stranger she met off the internet to stay with her, so where do you plan to stay?
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