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Posts posted by Kaizabella

  1. hehehe he is a bar prop anyway. He aint into dancing or moshing. :hihi: Im considering getting my glad rags on tonight and going to the pub. We are not talking but I have forgot why? :suspect:


    Thats if I can even last that late. Im shattered by tea time. :hihi:


    My other half's exactly the same, when I can get him out of the house anyway. He'd rather be playing warhammer than socialise! But he's not one for dancing when we go out, more swaying in a corner or being involved in *obviously* deep philosophical debates about...probably spoons or something :D

  2. Right then, so there seems to be a few people who'd be up for this, so I thought I'd create a thread.


    I think a Corp meet is in order. We probably already at least know each other by sight, it is Corp after all, and as I've said before, it doesn't have 6 degrees of separation, it has 2, but would be nice to meet up and go boogy on down at Sheffield's Cleanest and Best Looked After club. *grin*


    So, plans:


    Meet for drinks first, possibly at Dove / Benjamin Huntsman / Dev Cat, we'll see what people think first, then on to Corp.


    Note this is a FRIDAY night, so Drop, Back to the 90's and Fracture.


    Web: http://www.corporation.org.uk/nights.php







    Agent Orange (maybe)



    I'd say Billy Talent but I can't understand what he posted, so if anyone could confirm that for me >_<




    Levianthan13 (after Mastodon)

  3. I might have to join you all fr the corp meet.I usually get abandoned on the dancefloor while my OH spends the night sway outside with his buddies having a fag. :-(


    Lol, I do that sometimes, but once I've had a few beers you can't get me off the dancefloor :D

  4. From http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/panorama/1632726.stm


    Cannabis was made illegal in the UK in 1928. It followed an international drugs conference in Geneva when an Egyptian delegate convinced everybody that it was a threat to society and as dangerous as opium.


    In 1968, the Wootton Report, a Home Office investigation into the effects of cannabis concluded: "There is no evidence that this activity is causing violent crime or aggression, anti-social behaviour, or is producing in otherwise normal people conditions of dependence or psychosis requiring medical treatment."


    It was made illegal in 1928, when there wasn't the scientific technology and ability to study that there is now.


    Since the Wootton Report, many scientists have refuted the claims that cannabis is as dangerous as it has been made out to be.

  5. Theres no grey about it Kaizabella, it is plainly black and white

    You are advocating breaking the law, fact.

    Is manslaughter ok because its not actually cold blooded murder is it?


    Its hardly the same thing at all.


    As BR rightly said, smoking cannabis OUTSIDE does no real harm apart from to the user. Manslaughter in entirely different.

  6. I've never seen the appeal myself. I would think it would save time when you're getting down to it if you don't want to go fully commando, but can't be bothered taking the time to remove the pants?


    Its easier just to shove em to one side.


    I can't believe I actually just typed that :blush:

  7. Where do you draw the line on law breaking?


    Its a very grey area, I'll admit, but I'll draw the line when I think a law has absolutely no grounding in reality.


    If tobacco and alcohol are legal, why is cannabis not, when studies have shown time and time again that cannabis is less immediately harmful than both these substances. Taxes.


    In fact, most of the harmful toxins in a J come from the tobacco.


    The problem with cannabis at the moment is that newer, stronger, more dangerous strains are being grown under almost factory like conditions, which is affecting the chemicals inside, such as THC ratio and other, more harmful chemicals.


    This is because cannabis is being grown and distributed by criminals. And I mean BIG criminals, cut your face off and shoot you in the back criminals, not the "criminals" who like a J every now and then. Legalise it and you'll find a lot of the problems associated with cannabis use will lessen, as it can be safely distributed and monitored.

  8. Cool, I get paid at the end of each month, so the first weekend would be great for me.


    :banana: <---- me moshing, I can't do it properly :hihi:


    i can't mosh properly either, I'm far too bouncy for that so just end up bopping.


    Its fun, especially when I dance to Slayer / Machine head, and just bop around, I look slightly out of place :hihi:

  9. Nobody should have to put up with drugged up louts littering the streets I for one dont want any young children seeing any drug abuse and growing up thinking this is normal behavior, perhaps these weed smoking morons could overcome thier paranoir and go get a job I have a friend who smokes this rubbish on a regular basis and over the years I have seen what damage it has done to his empty scull and these young kids puffing away in the park just dont realise how they will end up (MEDICAL PROOF IS AVAILABLE TOO YOU DOUBTERS)


    Oh FFS, grow up.


    Its actually only a small amount of cannabis smokers who don't have a job. Most work *shock horror* work for a living, just like everyone else.


    Link me to the medical PROOF (beyond all reasonable doubt) that cannabis causes all these problems and I'll link you back to another study that says its harmless.

  10. I went to Corp last week and must admit I enjoyed it, not been in years though. A change is always as good as a rest!


    I'd be up for a Friday meet (dependent on when it was - I'm off camping 8-10 May now thanks to Mojo1!).


    If you set one up Kaisabella - people would come I'm sure.


    Thanks. Any meet I set up will more than likely be at the beginning of the month, cos I get paid then, so might do one for the beginning of June.


    Fridays are my favourite night now, apart from the 3rd Saturday of every month, when they move Hardside upstairs.


    Fridays are good for getting hammered and dancing like a numpty to awful songs and loving it!! :D

  11. I like to do the odd comedy post myself, but that one's brilliant - almost worthy of "The Day Today". Whilst it's an excellent parody, the scary thing is that there really are people on the forum who think like that! :o


    Just to save me reading the whole thread; has anyone done the "keep off the grass" gag yet? :hihi:


    More than once, and "driving on the Grass" too


    Sorry hun.

  12. On the other hand, I find that the people make the night. Many a good Friday night has been had dancing to absolute crap and loving every second of it!!


    And on that note, would anyone be interested in a unofficial Corp meet? We could meet in the Dove or Dev Cat and go down after that?


    Trying to see if anyone would be interested before making a thread.

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