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Posts posted by Kaizabella

  1. i knew you smoked it thats why i asked and it proves my earlier statement that people who smoke or have smoked are the ones that defend it.

    for everyone that you tell me that smokes and are ok i can show you 3 that are the opposite because of this drug,i know many people damaged by this drug because i do work in the community in the prisons and speak at the review boards in rampton,how did the drug leave you with a broader mind ?and if it is so good why are you not still smoking it?you are like all the weed smokers i ever knew,in denial,dont think because your friends are not showing no symptons yet in front of you,that no damage is going on in their brains,plus because you dont live with them niether ,will you see their bouts of paranoia.There are many people that take harder drugs and hold down acting jobs pop stars jobs (amy)football jobs models(kate moss)etc and all other high profile jobs such as you said all that proves is the drug has not done enough damage yet so that it is visible to you and the general public give it time.

    The very reason people are in a mental hospital is because their mind has been damaged (clue is in the word mental) and in many cases drugs like weed have been the catalyst,you smoked for 15 years maybe it did more than broaden your mind as you call it maybe you just cant see it.

    So how well do you actually know these people? Can you say for certain that they would not have become this way without cannabis? These people may be predisposed to violence or mental breakdown, could be taking other drugs heavily. You can't base your opinions on humanity based on the prison system, lets face it.


    The people who smoke weed and are fine don't show up in statistics as they're leading normal lives in normal jobs and they don't show up on the radar. They don't need advertisments telling everone how normal their life is, and I bet there's a hell of a lot more of those off the radar normal people than there is the messed up poster kids for the anti drugs movement.


    Fair enough, one of my mental breakdowns was caused by smoking too much cannabis, however i was also at the time heavily into other drugs and I also probably have a predisposition to depression and psychosis because of family history.


    It was my own stupid fault for not realising these factors and letting them lead me so far down the garden path. Everyone has their "drug"... the one that they go overboard on, the one that screws them over. Some people have been lucky enough never to do that drug. for some it can be coffee, for some codeine, for some alcohol. For some its even betting. Any of these things can become addictive and ruin your life. So what do we do? Ban them all?


    I now no longer smoke cannabis. At all. It gives me panic attacks and makes me feel hot and sick. However, for my one bad experience, I have maybe 20 or 30 friends who have been smoking for years who have no ill side effects.


    So, really, I should be the one who's crying from the rooftops about how weed should be banned, right? It messed me up for a good couple of years.


    Wrong. I read scientific evidence, both good and bad. I look at my friends, see them smoking in MODERATION and I see that its done them no harm. I have no problems with weed, especially when compared to alcohol, and I've made my feelings clear on the legalisation of drugs on another thread.

  2. Pidgeon - Sleep paralysis, I has it! About 3-4 times a week. *shudder* One of the most horrible experiences ever!


    Leviathan13 - When I was at school, I was really ill one day (I think it was when I had glandular fever) and was waiting to be taken to hospital.


    My mum gets a call from my school asking why I'd just walked into the room, gone to my desk, and then walked out again without saying a word to anyone. My mum was really understandably upset as I wasn't very well and there was no way I would be going anywhere, but the girls in my class who were in the classroom at the time swore they'd seen me.


    Bit bizarre but mneh. :D

  3. So does haddock-is this some kind of male conspiracy? I think that's the only conclusion I can draw from this!


    WRT washing down-to be fair, I am very lucky, he's handy with a duster and a hoover, and just about everything else. Very domesticated!


    How did you domesticate yours? Mine tidies every now and then, but only when it has to be done. *sigh* Although I think when we move it'll be better!


    Though I wouldn't let him in the kitchen! No matter how much I love him, thats REALLY not his area of expertise.

  4. Kaizabella-I hate life:hihi:


    And haddock takes yonks in the shower too-I also do not want to think what goes on in there-perhaps I am not doing my job properly:o :hihi:


    Life: Specifically designed to get on your nerves at every given opportunity! :thumbsup:


    I just don't get it!!! When I ask the OH what he's doing in there he says, well I've got to shave and brush my teeth, to which I think, well it takes me 15 minutes, and thats including a quick scrape of my legs and underarms! Maybe there's some sort of secret male society :suspect:

  5. Usually about half an hour once I've managed to drag myself out of my cosy morning snuggle-why is snuggling always much comfier in the morning?


    And your pillows always seem unnaturally soft and the beddings aways nice and warm. Dammit, its life conspiring against us!


    It suprises me how many people don't shower when they get out of bed in the morning. I'm not calling you dirty beggars, it's just that I would be half asleep all day without my morning shower to wake me up!


    I couldn't do without my shower in the morning, though I have to make sure I'm in BEFORE the OH as I take about 10-15 minutes and he takes about 45. Same as his housemate. What do you guys do in there that takes so long??


    ...On second thoughts, don't answer that, I'm not sure if I wanna know!! :suspect:

  6. Having seen so many posts where people have split up and had to rehome their pets, my advise would be to live with each other first. If you still love each other and intend to spend the rest of your lives together after 3-6 months of living together then get a pet. Rather than getting a pet and having to worry about finding a new home for it and the other half!


    (Otherwise definately would advise an older animal unless one of you is home most of the day to entertain a kitten, if you want to distract it from climbing the curtains and other kitten tricks!)


    I think I'd get the animal. He's allergic to animals he doesn't know (he builds up a tolerance over time) and never really been into pets before we got together.


    I'm generally better with animals anyway, I think he suggested it to be nice as he knows how much I miss having a pet.


    Good point about the curtains. At the moment, his housemate who's moving with us is in all day as he was made redundant but I can't promise how long thats gonna last.

  7. The benefit of living on one's own means you can afford to waddle to the bathroom wearing nothing but your birthday suit without the fear of being caught. Although, I recently forgot to shut the blinds in the living room and went in there totally naked and was horrified to see one of my neighbours wandering past :blush:


    I used to do that when I lived in a horseshoe shaped black of flats... I'd wander into the living room, forgetting that my flat was right in the middle and *everyone* on my floor could see in >_<


    I just need to ban people from staying over then I can be as free as a bird!!

  8. It depends on how many times I hit the snooze button :D


    Sometimes it takes me half an hour to get out of the house and I put my make up on on the bus, sometimes its an hour if I blowdry and straighten my hair.


    I also need to start remembering not to stagger out to the bathroom in my pants and not a lot else..we often have people stay over and its not a pretty sight for them first thing in the morning...

  9. Ok, so me and the OH are moving in together within the next couple of weeks. We've been talking about getting an animal for a while now, but he's never had pets before and wants a kitten or baby animal.


    I'd prefer to go for a rescue / older animal, as I think they're the ones who really need the homes and need the love and affection, but he's having none of it. I've had cats all my life and the most loving and best behaved animals we've had have been our rescues (after a bit of work, sometimes, but that just makes it even better when you realise how truly happy you've made an animal).


    I'm asking cos I know you guys know a lot about your animals, and he's a very facts and figures kind of guy, so I was hoping you'd be able to help.


    (P.S I really wanted a Spider or Gecko, but he's arachnophobe and doesn't like lizards, so that went out of the wimdow!! If anyone has a cure for arachnophobia, let me know!! :P)

  10. Hey


    I have some experience in film and video production, mainly editing and producing, though I have worked behind a camera and in lighting too when I was studying.


    I'm by no stretch of the imagination an expert, and it was just something I enjoyed studying, but if you've got the ideas and need help it, PM me and let me know.

  11. OK, as this is the "all things tattoo" megathread, a quick bit of advice needed.


    I just had the lining and some shading done for a large piece I'm having up my side and along my ribcage. However, some of the all black shading has scabbed pretty badly and I'm worried about the colour patching up if I catch the scabs and also just generally I'm still in enough pain without having to worry about that! >_<


    I've been using E45 cream as I have extremely sensitive skin where creams / detergents are concerned, so does anyone have any ideas for help?


    (is it worth mentioning that the worst affected parts are where my trousers sit on my waist / hips and just underneath the ribcage)

  12. What about the fact that women aren't actively encouraged to play football to a professional standard?


    From a young age women are taught that football is a mans sport and that they'll never go anywhere playing. I quit as goalie just because I knew that it wasn't worth my while to carry on, when I could get a lot more money working my way up the corporate ladder.


    The money isn't really put into training, pitches, and women in the game are generally treated with slight disdain in this country, which puts you off. If we were given better coaches, better training, and if people actually supported women's football instead of critisising it, we'd be starting to look at a different story!



  13. Alrighty then. If anyone wants a random beer Friday then post here/PM me and I'll pop into town 9ish.


    If not then I shall sit in and watch Jonathon Ross!


    Haha. Not sure what I'm doing friday now, think the plan is meal with workmates, followed by meeting friends in the washy and then after a few absinthes who knows?!?!

  14. Oh yeah, if you've seen my LJ today you'll have more of an idea than this thread how close I feel to her now. So yeah, if we were living in the same town whether in the same house or not a potential partner will have to get used to us being close. But then I could be doing exactly the same thing with my best mate if he were here, yet somehow in theory that doesn't seem as threatening.


    When I started going out with my ex (the recent one) last summer she went to Reading and shared a tent with a guy she'd had a bit of a fling with less than a year ago. I wondered about it for a little while but felt fine about it, more comfortable than his girlfriend did anyway. That chapter of her life was over. It was only when things had started to break down between us that I started worrying about what might happen when she went back down to visit home. And when that starts happening it has nothing to do with your partner and potential threats but everything to do with the relationship itself.


    Got off tangeant there, I just like talking about relationships for some reason. Poor guy I was in the pub with the other night.


    My bold. Yeah, wish I'd have realised that last year :rolleyes:


    I think if your main worry is potential partners, then in some ways it works in your favour as you know automatically whether they're going to be able to handle the situation. Its what I call the "shaun test" (my best friend of 11 years is called Shaun). I've known this guy for 11 years and whilst having never gone out with each other, Shaun had this massive crush on me when we were younger and sometimes, it kinda shows, but I wouldn't ever ever replace him.


    It says a lot to me about a potential partner when I see how they interact with Shaun, and also with my ex fiancee, who's also one of my best friends, and my tattooist.


    There's not many people who would be able to cope with the fact that I get pretty much semi naked in front of my ex on a regular basis for measure ups, design working etc etc etc and its part of the reason I'm in such a good relationship now.

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