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Everything posted by jo_jo*

  1. Oh that's good, my budget was around £50
  2. Yes i suppose, I'd not thought about that .. I was thinking more about microphones though? Could you buy those cheaply?
  3. Thank you! ---------- Post added 04-11-2014 at 09:41 ---------- Bit more expensive than I hoped! :-/
  4. I'm looking for a karaoke machine to hire out for one night for a house party, anyone able to do this? Or could anyone recommend?
  5. Has anyone hired a roulette table for a house party or know of a service that does this .. That is also not too expensive! Thanks in advance
  6. A very similar attack happened to my dog last Sunday whilst we were doing the RSPCA sponsored dog walk in Attercliffe / Tinsley area. The attack actually happened just behind the Meadowhall South/Tinsley tram stop as we were walking up to the canals. The dog owner was a youngish bloke, late teens early twenties with shaggy brown hair, his pitbull cross bull mastiff looking dog was a cream beige colour with brown markings. The dog was on a lead and so was my springer spaniel, as we walked past eachother his dog bit my dogs face and locked his jaw, it was stuck on my dog for at least 5-6 minutes. It was so awful, luckily my family were with me, they kicked this dog so many times, to try and get it off but it wouldnt budge! The owner was completely useless, just stood and watched it happen .. it eventually took a blow to the stomach - at the same time as a blow to its throat to make this dog release my dog. It was so horrible and my young daughter witnessed it all. This vicious dog needs to be muzzled when out in public. As soon as his dog had let go of mine he scarpered, never apologised, just went! My dog is ok thank goodness, he has a really nasty wound, actually a hole in his face, he is on a combination of anti biotics and anti inflammatorys and the vet expects him to make a full recovery. We think this dog lives around the Tinsley area as this owner and his friend were on foot. I have reported it to the police, but i dont think anything will come of it. It worries me as it attacked my dog for no reason, it could easily be a child next time.
  7. My fridge has been on the blink for a while, but has now completely stopped being cold! i am trying to find someone who fixes fridges, does anybody have any recomendations? Thank you.
  8. i am looking for a caricaturist for a wedding. Would be needed for just 2 hours maximum for a bit of fun enbtertainment for the guests between photographs! Im on quite a tight budget? does anyone know what the going rate is? or could anyone recomend a good one they have used? thanks Jo
  9. We are going to the maldives for one week ... with no children! yipeeeeeeeee! im so exited we go on december 8th xxx
  10. Could anyone recommend a well priced wedding transport service on a budget?? Not compromising on service?? I am on a budget of £300 or hopefully less, i would need 2 cars, going from hillsborough to wortley hall, wortley , penistone. I really like the more traditional wedding cars rather than a limo or something more modern. Is my budgeted £300 too low?? Weddings are soooo expensive!! x x x
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