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Posts posted by discodown

  1. That's logical to you is it? So does that include the cast of the American Ballet Theatre, the Angel of the North, the Scream, by liking these things I'd want to have them in my house?


    Also - saying you like a particular image doesn't mean you advocate someone spraying it on someone elses house.


    Another daft comment.

    No its perfectly logical.


    I really enjoyed Santa Clarita Diet on Netflix and now Drew Barrymore and Timothy Ollyphant live with me

  2. What bugs me is they design these nice slim phones, then you just have to go and put them in some form of protective case or some protector over the front of the screen, or some combo of - which adds thickness and takes away from the look of the phone. or there's flappy 'case' bits on it, or some rounded corner bulges...


    it all adds bulk and tbh ruins the phone... why not just be careful? :)

    Why bother with car insurance. Just don't crash
  3. I'm not reading the thread because I can't be bothered and it'll make me splutter.


    We've got a 2 and half year old daughter and we often dress her in boys clothes. Not because of any political reason or because we're hipsters or SJWs or any stupid reason like that but because we don't want our daughter dressed mostly in pink with such low aspirational ideals as wanting to be a princess. Boys clothes simply give us more choices, colours and better messages and at her age it makes no difference.


    For many people clothes are gender neutral anyway. I've not had a hoody or a thick, knitted jumper yet that my wife hasn't stolen or borrowed. Same for tracksuit bottoms and a few other things. Admittedly it rarely goes the other way but thats because She looks cute in oversized stuff and i'd look absurd in her much smaller stuff. I doubt we're the exception to the rule

  4. or the ex steel, building and mining workers fighting for compensation after contacting asbestosis and other diseases.
    The asbestosis claims are going through court so they can't be discussed by media for fear of influencing the case. Its not a question of the media silencing the white working classes its a legal requirement that its nots discussed until its resolved and a decision has been made. Presumably once it has compensation will be paid in the same manner like it was for COPD and VWF
  5. The problem with WMC's is twofold firstly they are the product of a bygone age and they mostly refuse to move forward. I'm the generation of the 90's and I don't want to sit around and play bingo and drink John Smiths Smooth and buy tickets for the meat raffle and worry about the politics of seating because Alf's sat there since 1968. If these places refuse to move on then its no surprise they are shutting. Why would I go? Theres nothing there to interest me.


    That said there is a WMC near me and when I moved here 12 years ago I attempted to join. The guy on the door looked at me like i'd asked him if he wanted to walk to Mordor with me. You'll need to get someone to recommend you he said.


    Like who I asked?


    An existing member.


    I'd just moved to the area, I didn't know anyone. How was I going to get an existing member to recommend me when I didn't know one? I explained all this to Gollum. He recommended I talk to the secretary.


    Fair enough, where was he?


    Not in yet, come back and he'll be able to sort something out.


    I didn't go back. Its just too much hard work. All I wanted to do was have a few beers, maybe meet some people, spend some money. Why do they have to make it so difficult? Either they want people or they don't? Why have members at all? Its not about it being the last bastion of 'proper sheffielders' or a dying relic its about part of an industry thats dying on its arse because it stubbournly refuses to change

  6. I wonder why the moaners that live her don't move.
    I wonder why thats always the first defence - "if you don't like it then leave" well, how about no?


    Whats wrong with wanting the city to be better? We live here, our kids go to school here, our friends are here and while Sheffield has plenty of fine, redeeming qualities in others its way, way behind other cities.


    Theres nothing wrong with wanting to upgrade your surroundings and be better, it seems to be a uniquely Sheffield thing to take pride in lagging behind and being decades behind. I was in Liverpool a couple of weeks ago and we were in the city centre on friday night at 7.30 and everything was open and busy and most of it was way more impressive than Sheffield. We were in Leeds a couple of months ago and Saturday night at 8.00 and, again, everything was open and, again, most of it much better than anything Sheffield has to offer. Its like Sheffield thinks it'll turn into a pumpkin at 5.35. One of the biggest cities in the UK and after 6pm just about the only thing to do in the centre is go to bars or restaurants. Its ridiculous. We're way behind everywhere else and we shouldn't be.

  7. Although i'm not a child (hard to believe I know) I am epileptic and it took a while but I haven't had a seizure for over two years i've got them firmly under control.


    The beginning bit is the worst bit but it will get better, take the support thats out there like epilepsy nurses and as another poster advised get in touch with the epilepsy society because they really do know how best to help you quickly. Also PM me if you need someone who's been through it and you feel like you need a bit of advice or someone to lean on

  8. Cheers for the people who actually wrote sensible comments thank you for help, always get one or two people who think they are funny writing stupid comments, all I can to you is get a life.
    Common Room is the place, they show it live and you can reserve a booth and get table service with pitchers and wings for a fixed price for a certain amount of you. Its a decent night. They also do something similar for superbowl
  9. its a disgrace


    its a disgrace.


    ---------- Post added 24-09-2015 at 15:12 ----------



    sure is. Not in tune with civilised society. Usual night for west st.

    There are some right miserable old chuffs on here. What exactly is a disgrace? People going out and having a good time?


    Remember that time you had fun once? Awful wasn't it...

  10. I think you are taking my comments out of context. I am not expecting a student to be able to drive some where in city where they are studying, that is not the point that i am making....


    What i am saying is they often have no awareness of the city in which they live and often make no attempt to get to know where they live!

    I know of another site where sheffield students often ask how to get the best out of sheffield and find its hidden gems. I think students do integrate quite well. My experience of them is that they are usually courteous, friendly and amenable and I used to live in Crookes and never really saw any bother with them.


    I've also not been to Waterthorpe, why would I? Theres no reason for me to go

  11. I haven't worked in hospitality for over a decade but when I did I never heard of anything like this. There were two usual ways of distributing tips


    Either a 'trunk' where all the tips went in and all kitchen and front of house staff got an equal share.


    Or the waiting staff tipped out a percentage every night (usually 20 or 25%) and the kitchen staff would get their share of the tipping out money once a week or month.


    It seems to me both are better ways of doing it than this

  12. Where is it set?
    Its not particularly set anywhere. Its just supposed to be set oop north somewhere. The first film was filmed in Grimsby but a lot of the actors have Nottinghamshire accents which kind of fudges it a bit. Since then the tv series have been filmed in Sheffield but no reference to it being set in Sheffield has been mentioned. It could be set anywhere really
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