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susie c

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Everything posted by susie c

  1. Hi there, i was there and remember Mr Pye, do any of these names ring a bell with you, all schoolmates - Georgie Grant, Michael Searle, Simon Wong, Cynthia Brooks, Tania Bloomer - i wasn't in the band though but have been in the music bizz since Previous to Newfield i went to Carfield Junior, lived on Upper Valley Road - nice area really, used to get a few golfballs from the golf course next door! I saw a kingfisher in Cat Lane Woods on my way to school at Newfield once, how idylic. Ahhhh. Zye Hill Amazing following this thread about the city centre and the ace Hole-In-the Road - it did feel a bit crap seeing it get filled in - memories are, The Sharp Cuts a brill rockabilly band that kept me down there for some time, proper good they were .... 3 pair of white towelling socks for a quid, 3 for a quid lighters and of course THE FISH - bought Nicolette's "I want to wake you up" in 90's from the record shop in the hole in the road, and had my ears pierced at the hairdressers down there. Yeah it went to rack and ruin and it was sad they couldn't save it. with the FAB lighting there is now they could have made it a real feature - make it look like a spaceship landed, from the outside (and have proper CCTV for safety inside, so it was a nice place to meet and shop for everyone again, 'cause it was once....)
  2. ..there's a fuller version of the CCTV video on the Monitoring Group North website: w w w. tmgn.co.uk/info2.html
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