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Posts posted by lazarus

  1. 5 hours ago, busdriver1 said:

    The answer is simple, the world must run around after the likes of lazarus and mind read them whilst they get wet nursed at every stage of their lives not taking responsibility for any part of their lives.

    I lay in bed at night dreaming that the world would run around me and to get wet nursed brilliant,  I would like to know just what's wrong with criticising a bus driver ? When I was in N Ireland the Seargent certainly did those things he wouldn't let me go on patrol just in case I was shot.


  2. So Busdriver 1, how many times have you seen twelve people waiting to meet someone alight from a bus, which again is a stupid statement, coaches have never ever stopped there, mind reading! more like he should have a scan to see if he's got a mind, were you the driver?

    By the way I've found out since a young woman going to work did put out her hand and quite rightly she's made a complaint as she lost an hours pay.

  3. 4 hours ago, Andy C said:

    outside London, all bus stops are request stops (except the terminus). People wait for buses, not the other way around, they have a timetable to keep!


    But yes, having the correct destination advertised is something of a basic they have failed on!


    Incidentally, apparently Powells bus on the 10/10a have spelt Heeley wrong (Healey!) on their destination blinds.

    Surely seeing a bus stop full of people on a fine morning must give a hint that they are waiting for a bus, that in itself must dispense with putting your hand out.

  4. Just when are they going to sort out the destination board on the new 11A , it shows the destination Heeley when it's going up to Herdings, seems every time the driver tries to type in Herdings it's Heeley that appears. Two old dears in Cumberland St on Monday wanted to go up Leighton Rd so when the bus did eventually arrive with Heeley on it they didn't get on as they rightly assumed it was only going to Heeley.

    On  Monday around twelve people were waiting for the 11A on Leighton Rd, the  09:31 bus was missing, a bus did arrive at 09:43 but because nobody put their hand out it went straight past, we don't have another bus on Leighton Rd so just what did the driver think we were waiting for? he did wait at the next stop around 150. yards away but only the younger end of us waiting could run down to catch it, result we were waiting over 40 minutes for a bus. Surely the words Bus Stop and not Request Stop means it should stop. The driver was an idiot.

  5. 2 hours ago, lil-minx92 said:

    They are tourist destinations. Sheffield isnt.

    But it could be that's the point,  all this council want to do is kow- tow to the companies that want to destroy our old buildings and replace them with flats. We do have Kelham Museum but that's not open on a Saturday, where's the sense in that, there's enough places in  and around Sheffield that hold lots of interest for tourists.

  6. Before the tourist information closed, I went in and there wasn't one item or leaflet about Sheffield,  the leaflets that were available were for : Eden Camp military museum, the Leeds Armouries, York, Chatsworth, etc,  I did ask the chap behind the desk why there was no info on Sheffield, he said the council would not pay for any leaflets or any other Information to be placed there, now all we have now is an information board inside the Winter Gardens.

  7. On 22 August 2019 at 15:25, gene said:

    Litter free streets, parks as they used to be, shopping areas etc, grass verges cut regularly, no overflowing bins and messy frontages, shops made to clean their fronts regularly,  tenants and house owners alike made to keep gardens back and front clean and tidy then maybe we would have less rats around. 

    Oh dear I am daydreaming again.........

    Most of these ideas that relate to council tenants are already written into their tenancy agreement but as usual the council don't enforce them especially if immigrants are involved.

  8. 7 hours ago, lil-minx92 said:

    I dont imagine any area anywhere is the same as it was in the 60's!!

    Up to the eighties people were proud of their houses, mainly council I mean, they cleaned Windows looked after their gardens, kept their children on a reasonable tight rein, that's all gone now unfortunately, the immigrants bring different problems as do the young whites.

  9. 12 hours ago, plantman said:

    Does any one remember Alan Dagnall Ken Fenton Steve Harper Ralph Edwards Jimmy Noonhan they used to play football on the field off Motehall Road.

    Has Alan Dagnall died? He used to live next to my sister on Stoneciliffe Road, the Dolbys. Jimmy Noonan lived just across from me on Harborough Avenue, I remember his Irish grandfather too, he spoke with such a heavy brogue I couldn't understand him, what happened to Jimmy? I can remember him starting work on the railway.

    7 hours ago, victormh said:

    My first wife, her parents and sisters/brother  lived on Beaumont Way possibly no 3 from about early to mid 1950's


    Parents were Fred and Doris Turner - son was Brian, daughters were Christine (Married Denis Phoenix), Barbara (Married Roy Turton), Elaine (Married Ray Severns from Woodhouse) and youngest Margaret who I married in July 1963 - she will be about 77 now, 78 in October her friend lived close by - Valerie ??? - about same age - married a guy by the name of Les possibly in 1962


    Maybe someone will remember them


    Best Wishes from Hot and Sunny Malaysia - Victor 

    I remember Denis Phoenix, I knocked about with his brother Terry for a while, just what happened to them and their sisters Eunice and Carol! Oh yes Terrys brother Derek too.

  10. 1 hour ago, ECCOnoob said:

    What a load of rubbish.


    For a grown adults earning minimum wage that equates to less than 20 minutes work.


    People with children get additional benefits.  Children,  young persons and students travelling around on buses have even less money to pay each day for their journeys with their concessionary fare passes giving them unlimited travel in the region for less than £1.20 a day.


    Seniors get free off peak bus travel countrywide and even additional concessions for other types of travel in this region.


    It's completely ridiculous to suggest that's expensive in 2019.


    You have your opinion and I have mine.

  11. 8 hours ago, Andy C said:

    Buses in Sheffield are not expensive, amongst cheapest in country, prices were slashed in 2012 and still haven't increased back to that level yet!


    Most expensive weekly commuter ticket, offering unlimited travel on any bus or tram in the city, works out at £2.47 a day. 



    Just over 2 quid? That isn't expensive in 2019! And that is provided commercially with no public subsidy 

    If you are on a low income with a family £2 is expensive if you are in a family of four or five, it's looks as though you are working in a decent job so £2 isn't a big thing?

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