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Posts posted by jinnertomcat

  1. You will NOT have to prove your case - the prosecution have to prove their case "beyond reasonable doubt" and you may have a good argument (depending on how many witnesses [and who they are]) to say that they did not do that. At the end of the day, if it is just your word against one other person (who is probably a police officer) that would probably not be beyond reasonable doubt.

  2. From the DTI website


    " Employment Policy & Legislation

    Working Time Regulations - Rolled-up holiday pay



    Rolled-up holiday pay


    The practice of making payments for statutory holiday entitlement through a system of ‘rolled-up holiday pay’ has been ruled unlawful by the European Court of Justice as it contravenes the EU Working Time Directive. The DTI has amended its Working Time Regulations guidance to reflect this judgment.


    The Court decided that employers should be paying holiday pay at the time their workers actually take their holidays rather than include an amount for holiday pay in the hourly rate of pay. As a result employers will need to renegotiate contracts involving ‘rolled-up holiday pay’ for existing workers as soon as possible so that statutory holiday pay is made at the time when the holiday is taken.


    The DTI believes that although the Court of Justice found rolled-up holiday pay unlawful the judgement allows for off-set of payments already made whilst the practice is discontinued. Therefore whilst employers are in the process of changing their pay arrangements in order to eliminate rolled-up holiday pay payments which are transparent and comprehensible can continue to be offset against what has to be eventually paid."

  3. Our gas combi boiler has been installed since 1992. I am trying to get it serviced but have has a Corgi registered engineer out to the house to be told that the flue is too near an opening window (20 cm) and that if he did any work he would have to disconnect it as it does not meet current safety regulations. The boiler (and window) are in a small 6 foot by 6 foot room upstairs which has the tumble dryer and the boiler in and the window is never opened, especially in winter (why have the heating on and the window open ??). There is absolutely no way in which the flue can be moved.


    Whilst I appreciate the need for safety, it must surely be better to have a fully serviced & maintained boiler working than one which may be potentially dangerous, especially as it has been working there okay there for so long.


    Any Corgi gas engineers out there able to give me any advice please ??

  4. We could afford to build more prisons and to run them if built them as prisons to punish people and NOT as glorified holiday camps. But then whilst there are so many do-gooder liberals around - check website prisonreform.org for an overview of some of the organisations involved - the chances of this are pretty slim.


    I would introduce a set penalty for anyone causes death whilst driving in a stolen or uninsured car - 10 years mandatory imprsionment with no chance of parole. Would that make people think before setting off on their "joy" rides ??

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