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  1. It seems that Sheffield city council indirectly support the Israeli Occupation of Gazza and the West Bank ?? French multinational Veolia helps to operate the illegal Jerusalem Light Rail that facilitates the expansion of illegal Israeli settlements and owns a landfill site in an illegal Israeli settlement http://www.whoprofits.org/company/veolia-environnement http://www.globalexchange.org/economicactivism/veolia/victories - See more at: http://www.bdsmovement.net/2014/kuwait-to-boycott-50-companies-12770#sthash.pdiTK8DM.dpuf
  2. Hi every one one thing Martial arts has taught me it is respect for other styles and i have to say your all right on this one (even you Freddy) some one once said "if you havn't anything good to say about anyone then don't say anything, that way you can't get in trouble " so here are my views on GKR " ".
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