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  1. This thread seems to be dead but ah well, someone may come across it that wants to know about the champix. I did! So day 8 today and now into the 1mg tablets twice a day. I did consider just taking one tablet a day as I am tiny but I’m going to give it a bash with 2 and see how I go. Still smoking, not feeling any different yet ....
  2. It’s so worth quitting isn’t it? And it’s great to hear your stories. I’m onto day 5 of champix and so now taking two 0.5mg tablets a day. Still smoking but only about half what I used to smoke. Not sure why but I’m just not thinking about it so much. No side effects as yet but they may start with the higher dosage. Well done to those of you who did it cold turkey. I have done that before and then slipped up. Onward! Why do you think you had the resolve at that point? What was different for you? And well done! So great to give up early in life. I wish I had too. Funnily enough I am really fit and run half marathons! I have even had a cig at the end of a half marathon! I’m possibly part stupid! but I know it’s playing with fire even when you’re fit and look outwardly healthy.
  3. So good Euclid. How great that you did it then 🙂 Day 3 today. No side effects at all yet but I’m only on 0.5mg a day so that might change when it goes up. Cigs first day 30... second day 19... not sure why... maybe busy at work
  4. What an epic thread! Shall we revive it? I’m just starting champix today! I shall report on my progress. It’s day one today and I’ve smoked for 34 years at around 30 a day. I’ve tried everything from hypnotherapy, NRT, vaping, cold turkey basically everything. I really want to give up now. Still smoking today and plan to give up by about day 15. Also I’m based in Australia... this thread has travelled far!
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