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Posts posted by astrols

  1. Yep. He has admitted himself that he stood at the urging of David Blunkett who's deputy he was at Sheffield Council. He is very, very much linked to people who were in government when Rotherham was allowed to happen. Believe me, this man will be most concerned with continuing the cover up and minimizing the crimes.


    ---------- Post added 31-10-2014 at 19:41 ----------


    Incidentally he has already mislead the electorate. His website trumpted his role of on the Youth Crime Board but completely failed to mention that he was Blunkett's deputy and the deputy leader of Sheffield Council, another council which has questions to answer about's it's handling of the affair.


    Yes. He was a board member on The Youth Crime Board (2004 - 2012) overseeing criminal justice for the under 18s' and yet his name has never come up as ever having done anything for these young girls at the time! What makes anyone think he'll do so now?

  2. It's pointless complaining about who's voted in if you don't vote or spoil your ballot paper! The position is there and you have this one chance to have your say in who gets it!

    The person who says he'll just vote Labour in at the GE as they'll get rid of the post is obviously certain that Labour will retain their seats next year, but I wouldn't be too sure about that. The recent grooming scandals have put a major dent in their armour and a lot of South Yorkshire people are beginning to realise that Labour councillors & MPs are no different to the Cons - neither will get us out of the EU which in turn means more immigrants and less work for us.

    The English Democrat, a local Doncaster foundry engineer and sales manager, promises he'll get results on the grooming cases, so maybe he's in with a chance.

    My vote though is for Jack Clarkson, a former policeman with 30 years experience working in and around Sheffield, a volunteer in victim support who runs his own security firm and now serves his local community as an elected councillor. His outlined proposals are relevant to the situation, simple and eminently do-able.

  3. I have no wish to be insulting but the standard of some of the contributions on this subject is unbelievably crass.


    What is even more amazing is people write the most abject nonsense when via google and some basic research they could educate themselves and even possibly, add to the debate.


    Thank you Alan for your most welcome post.

    There have been some very unexpected responses to my original post, but each to his own, I say.

    It was just my personal experience of school history that I wanted verifying or denying - which was basically that we had very little to do with British history until the advent of the Industrial Revolution and even then ordinary Sheffielders, we in the schoolroom and our ancestors, played very little part in that!

  4. Fields and woods, then the Parkway was built from Cricket Inn Road to Handsworth.


    Beautiful woodlands! My brothers and I had some great times in there and, during the 6 weeks summer holidays, regularly walked from the lower Manor through to Darnall and High Hazels Park. Those were the days! No talk of dodgy men and nothing ever happened to any of us - just lovely sunny days spent stretching our legs, our imaginations (the 'dark woods' held all kinds of unseen 'monsters!'), and our horizons!

  5. The last time we had a heatwave one of the Stagecoach drivers told me they have air-conditioning but it doesn't work because people insist on opening the windows. As there was only me on the bus at the time, I closed all the windows but at the next stop a woman got on and promptly opened a window. I explained what had been said and was told it was nonsense while she opened more windows!

    It's the same on the trams, but they have the option of turning the air-con off if the windows are open, which I'm not sure the bus drivers do.

    It may not be that efficient with the doors opening all the time but having never experienced it I don't know.

  6. Thanks for all your input!

    As I said in my original post, I loved history and was given a good grounding in the subject, which did of course include Mary Queen of Scots. Unlike Megalithic, Rosseyrooney & Veritas who lived near Manor Lodge, and Cookingfat50 who said the Lodge was mentioned in a list of places that Mary was imprisoned, I didn't know, at the time, of Manor Lodge in Sheffield, so if the Sheffield connection was put in that way to me it obviously went right over my head! As far as I knew, Mary escaped from Lochleven, came to England & was kept a prisoner in various places that meant nothing to me, until the Babington Plot was uncovered and she was taken to Fotheringhay Castle where she was exececuted. At no time in my history lessons was the fact that she spent 14 of her 18 years imprisonment in and around Sheffield made apparent to me.

    In short, I suppose this is one example of how my memory of the history I was taught at school gave me a real sense of British History, but no sense of Sheffield History.

  7. I went to school in the 50's & 60's in Sheffield and I loved history, but it wasn't until I read Jean Plaidys' book The Captive Queen in my early twenties that I was made aware of her imprisonment in Sheffield Castle!

    It seems to me in fact, that my generation at least, were deliberately kept ignorant of the rich history of our immediate surroundings. This is not to say that we didn't get a good grounding in the subject - we did - the kings, queens, wars, battles, dissolution of the monastries, the industrial revolution and of course the mining and steel industries were well drummed home as well as the many tales of Empire, but I personally left school at 15 with no idea of the history of my own city and I just wondered if anyone else felt the same?

  8. In my sixties now......

    Born and lived in Hillsborough through the fifties, sixties, and the seventies.

    Strange....I have no recollection of smog despite living close to hill foot steel, Daniel Doncasters, and the Neepsend power station.


    I'm in my sixties too and don't remember any smog - lived on the Stradbroke and lower Manor/Woodthorpe - mainly recollect sunny afternoons and lots of snow turning the streets into picture postcards. 93 bus regularly got stuck coming up off the Wyburn to Manor Park.

  9. Really, it doesn't matter what the weather does or how much you dress up the route because whoever chose it is a rank idiot or collection thereof. After watching the Radio Sheffield video of the route I couldn't believe the latter part and the image it will portray of Sheffield. Just as well that the coverage is up against F1 and the tennis but after the backdrop of beautiful Yorkshire to make us all proud we'll be into Hillsborough, Burngreave (God almighty!), Wincobank (why, why, why?) and (of course) Meadowhell. It's an absolute joke. After the negative bashing that Sheffield has had recently on T.V. with those fly on the wall documentaries about Page Hall and the feckless dole scrubbers we could do with painting a better picture than this. I live in North Sheffield and I cycle a lot so I'm not one of the people bashing the event, I just can't believe they've come up with this ridiculous route.


    Absolutely agree! Sheffield is one of two European cities built on seven hills, with allegedly more trees than people, and yet the powers that be have chosen to show the world our economic and industrial wastelands. I cannot believe that there is no more scenic route suitable for Le Tour than this!

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