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  1. it matters very much because decent law abiding people are discouraged from going out at nights and forced to live a less happy life because of it.


    I was trying to post with inherent sarcasm, but couldn't find an appropriate emoticon to really capture the subtlety of my inane posting.


    Sid, there's loads of places to go where everyone doesn't look like they're trying to swallow their own heads - dirty pill-heads do my nut in, I avoid 'em like the plague but still go out... just to places where the conversation's a bit better than "wicked ere innit, i'm avin the bez night ov my liiiifffeee!!!!!".

  2. Gregg's... they HAVE to the best sarnie shop (and cannot be found 'down South' you know folks..!), so let them branch out and have them dotted about everywhere.. why not! They are obviously making the cash!


    Good joke about the sarnies, but who cares whether they're down south or not? It's not home-cooked authentic Yorkshire grub, you know...


    I hate the place because it means I have to look at large people inhaling pasties everywhere in town. It's hard not to end up covered in other people's crumbs these days.

  3. I think it's definitely getting better, and has a bit more about it than ten years ago.


    The one thing that I find depressing and frustrating is going to the city centre to do a bit of shopping and being swarmed by obese people with thousands of kids, and handfuls of Greggs sausage rolls, which they slurp down their throats everywhere they go. It just makes navigating the street a bit tricky.


    (btw before the fat society begin their uproar: i used the politically correct word 'obese') :thumbsup:

  4. Yeah unfortunately someone thought it'd be a good idea to take their pet chimp out for a walk - what they didn't realise was busy roads frighten the poor animals and it's now running riot, climbing up lamp-posts and throwing warm faeces at passers-by. The police would have been called, but most of the passers-by so far have been students, who are generally used to this kind of thing happening at weekends.

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