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Posts posted by personal5579

  1. If you are affected by any of the issues in this topic, or, indeed by any other mental health issue, please CLICK HERE . This is a non-judgemental forum run by a qualified psychiatrist and staff. You can talk over your issues in private, and also get support from the public forum, from people who have had, or, have like issues. This forum is run professionally and your privacy and confidentiality are gauranteed. (The last statement DOES NOT and. DOES NOT INTEND to reflect in any way, the way Sheffield Forum is run.) The forum is just for people with mental health illness and issues.


    Good link pooch - thanks!

  2. I have noticed during the recent improvement works around Sheffield, that one of the steel bridges serving the old Manchester line has been renewed.


    Are there plans to re-open the line in the future.


    The line is still in use from Sheffield to Deepcar (Corus Steels). It is used daily by the steelworks for freight at around 9pm each evening.

  3. I'm glad you have found a way through your troubles Personal. No body knows what life will throw at them next and to dismiss such extremely deep and complex decisions as the 'easy option' frankly disgusts me.


    It is impossible for anyone to understand fully, the depth of your despair during your troubles.Yet I'm sure that it has given you insight into your true inner strength and the value your family places in you.

    It is a terrible yet understandable truth, that ones' family often are the last ones you can ask for help in these dire situations.


    But you have betrayed no one.


    It is often the case that suicides believe that they are protecting their family by 'doing it quietly' they simply see no alternatives. Though I HAVE to believe that there are ALWAYS alternatives.


    Live long and prosper Personal:thumbsup:


    Thanks Supertyke, I appreciate the comments.

  4. as long as you gave them love and friendship whilst they lived there is most often little you could have done.


    I agree.


    I was very close to suicide myself about 18 months ago. I didn't share this information with anyone, and I still haven't. I have a very loving and supporting family, a wife and great children. A lot of things piled up at once, and I found it difficult to cope. I became depressed, then severely depressed, and for several months I was suicidal. I had planned how, where and when to do it. I wasn't going to tell anyone, but I was just waiting for the "sign" to do it. Luckily one never came, and after medication and counselling I came through.


    I have never been able to tell my family that I wanted to kill myself, simply because now I'm well again, I feel that I betrayed them.

  5. I was lucky, my employer let me add my annual leave to my paternity leave. I also took some unpaid parental leave. I managed in the end to get 11 weeks off work.


    It was a great decision and I would do it again.


    But I wasn't at any point "in the pub wetting the babies head".

    I was too busy trying to adjust to having a baby, and steering

    my wife through Post-Natal Depression - it was NOT a fun time.


    I dont think it should be stopped, but I guess thats the downside

    of being self-employed.

  6. Hi All,


    Without trying to be too depressing, I recently started studying Mental Health, and I have an assignment titled "Society's views on suicide".


    So I'd appreciate any comments you have: good or bad. Your thoughts on the victim, the victims family, people affected by the incident (especially the train driver in cases where person has jumped in front of train or the person who finds the victim), and the method of suicide would be very useful.



  7. I recently gave a friend of mine a lift to Yewlands School (as part of his job), and waited in the car park while he attended a meeting.


    I have to say, I was totally disgusted with the building. The building is literally falling to pieces and desperately needs repairing.


    Its obvious the building is not fit for its purpose, and having passed the Chaucer School on the way to Yewlands you can see the massive difference the investment at Chaucer School has made.


    Surely the Council needs to pour in some resources to this facility?

  8. Hi again.


    Our local surgery only has 1 doctor that performs the "fitting", and she is our GP. She says she is very competent at fitting them and does several every month. She also does all the minor ops.


    I dont suppose there is an "ideal" method of contraception (other than the obvious), and when we started looking at changing from the pill, you really discover a whole minefield of methods.


    Needless to say they all have various side effects. I have tried to steer away from the "horror stories" on the net - you can find several hundered for every method.

  9. Hi, thanks for the replies, some interesting points.


    For info, my wife has had a baby, which is the main reason for her changing her method of contraception. As life is now much more hectic with a baby, she keeps forgetting to take the pill, we do not want any more children for several years yet, and as my wife is worried about weight gain the GP (who is female) talked through the options and suggested that the coil would be the best option.

  10. I know its tough but please stick with it. It will be so much more worthwhile in the long run.


    Your better off getting rid of your debt now because you never know what will happen.


    My wife and I both had very good well paid jobs. We had a mortgage and lots of debt but we managed by paying off only the minimum, and everything was going well until we decided to have a baby. 2 years later, were counting every penny, and the debt is just rising massively.


    If I were you I'd work all the overtime you could to get out of their asap, and in the meantime find a few good books to read to take your mind off it.


    Good Luck

  11. Hi all, my wife has asked me to post as she is quite confused about changing her contraception.


    After speaking to the GP, my wife has decided to opt for the IUD/Coil. The GP was very much in favour of the Mirena Coil advising that there were very few side effects and this coil makes periods lighter (compared to standard coils which tend to make them heavier). The GP also said although it would be uncomfortable and unpleasant it would not be painful to insert.


    However, after speaking to the Nurse last week, the Nurse advised against Mirena and suggested the NovaT380. The Nurse said the Mirena would mess up her periods for the first 8 months and said the NovaT380 was better because it was regular periods from the start. My wife took the prescription for the NovaT380 but is unsure if this is the best way to go. The Nurse also told her to prepare herself as having the coil fitted would be extremely painful.


    Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks

  12. I am staying with Virgin Media, as I am very happy with the service I receive. I think the Broadband and Landline Phone are good products.


    But I am dissapointed as we watch very little TV in our house, however, the little TV we did watch was 90% on Sky One - which we no longer receive!


    I did look into switching to Sky, but they are sooooooooo expensive. I cant afford to switch. I also like to have 1 bill for all 3 services.


    So I just have to accept that I wont be watching lost anytime soon!



    I REALLY HATE THOSE SKY ADVERTS THOUGH - "Virgin Media customers Switch to Sky" - I think this proves that was Sky's aim from the start.

  13. Help save your local SHEFFIELD BASED fire control centre by reading

    the following petition and signing at the following link:


    > We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Scrap the ill

    > conceived and dangerous plans to regionalise Fire Control

    > rooms, instead ensuring that the existing network achieves a

    > sustainable standard.


    > The RCC project currently being undertaken by the government

    > which plans to reduce the number of Fire Controls from 43 to

    > just 9 relies too heavily on technology (which is currently

    > unproven), will encourage a lower standard of staffing both in

    > terms of numbers and experience and has a very high risk of

    > total failure. This project will cost lives if it goes ahead,

    > and another public service will end up providing a second

    > class, top heavy service. Thankfully, not all of us will have

    > cause to use the Fire Service throughout our lives but at least

    > we know that if we did today it would at least find us. We the

    > undersigned feel that the current arrangement along with

    > improved investment is best suited to dealing with emergencies

    > of all kinds.


    Link - http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/SaveourService/




  14. Finally work has begun on our road today for the Brightside Child Safety Zone (its only 2 years late!). The council are installing Speed Bumps and 20mph Zone - and I welcome it.


    What beggers belief is the fact that today is also our Bin Collection Day. Only StreetFarce forgot to mention the fact they were digging the road up to Veolia Environmental! So our bin hasn't been emptied, and cant be emptied until they can book a smaller bin truck to empty the bins (due to the road being partially blocked).


    StreetFarce have also arranged a Bulky Refuse Collection Day on Thursday (the same day as the Blue Bin collection) - and forgot to tell themselves the road would be dug up! They have decided to still collect the Bulky Refuse but say it may take longer than planned!


    Why is it council departments fail to communicate with one another?

  15. I know this is a Sheffield Forum - but, on Sunday my family and some friends decided to go bowling late afternoon. We tried to book Hollywood Bowl in Sheffield but they were fully booked - so we decided to go to Rotherham SuperBowl instead. What a mistake.


    This so called "family venue" was full with smoke to the extent that our eyes were stinging when we left. The place was full of teenagers who clearly were NOT bowling, but sprawled across the seating areas smoking, drinking and virtually 'at it'. Many parents either side of our bowling lane were drunk and swearing. Only a handful of staff were on duty and we queued half an hour to buy soft drinks! Silly us!


    Still you live and learn. We wont be going back, and unless anybody finds the above appealing I suggest you dont go either!

  16. I very much doubt that this kind of 'green' waste is mixed with general waste, as parts of sheffield already have 'green' waste bins collected and disposed of seperately.


    However, I would like to make the point that virtually NONE of Sheffield Councils Waste actually goes to Landfill.


    Sheffield Council have the Large Incinerator at Bernard Road that burns the waste to fuel the City Centre District Heating Scheme.


    See here for details: http://www.greenenergy.co.uk/

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